Ok so I feel like being sad and depressing and breaking your hearts so this chapter will be about when the Ancient faded when the countries were young.The Ancients in this will be Rome, Native America, and Gaul.
Oh yeah and grab your tissues and maybe some comfort food.
Gual :
"Maman how do these taste? " A young France asked his mother as he handed her a plate of crepes.
She took a bite and smiled. "They taste wonderful, mon amour."
France smiled in pride at his mother's reaction.
Gual winced in pain as she felt a headache coming on.
She was gonna fade soon.
She knew it.
She didn't want France to be alone when she did though.
"Maman what's wrong ?" France asked.
Gual faked a smile. "Nothing mon amour, how about we go to Rome's house ? It's been awhile since you've seen your brothers"
"Ok" France smiled.
Gual held back tears.
She was gonna miss that smile.
"Big brother France !!" Italy yelled running to give him a hug."Bonjour Italy cómmet ça va ?"
Italy took a while to think about his response. "Bon !!" He said excitedly, jumping up and down. "See ? I remembered !!"
France and Gual laughed at him. "Very good Italy." France replied.
"Yes, good job" Gual added in.
"Come on !! We're making pasta !!" Italy grabbed France's hand and pulled him to the kitchen where their other brothers were.
Gual walked into the living room and watched the boys talk and cook for awhile.
"How have you been feeling ?" A voice asked.
She turned to see Rome. "The headaches are becoming more frequent." She said frowning.
They heard laughter and turned back to the kitchen.
"Have you told him ?" Rome asked her.
"Have you told them ?" She responded.
Rome didn't answer.
"We have too before it happens." He said.
"It's gonna happen to me soon, I- I plan to tell him today." Tears started to run down her face, she covered her face with her hands and sat on the couch." I can't go yet, I just, just can't go, not yet I-."
"Maman ?" A concerned voice asked.
Rome and Gaul turned to see a concerned France.
"Maman what's wrong ?"
Gaul quickly wiped her tears away and forced a smile. "Nothing mon amour."
"Maman please !! Tell me please !! Is it something I did ?" France asked, his voice shaking.
Gaul pulled her son into a hug. "Non you never did anything !! Don't ever think that !"
"Then why won't you tell me ?" France asked, looking straight at her.

When the silence comes to light
FanfictionEveryone has secrets that they keep from the others.Everyone has suffered in silence .Nobody wants their secrets being told. But what happens when the nations secrets are revealed at a world meeting. What happens when the silence is broken and the s...