It's Called Family, North Pt. 2

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North Korea walked back to his room with his head hung low.

He was silently crying. He really didn't know what to think.

Did they really mean that? Did they actually care for him?

He walked into his room and entered the bathroom. He slashed water onto his face. He didn't even bother changing clothes.

While he was heading out something caught his eye.

A razor.

He walked over to it. Thailand must have forgot about this one when he took all razors away from North.

He picked it up and felt tears running down his face. He placed it to his skin.

But didn't cut

He just didn't.

He couldn't.

He thought of his siblings, their faces when they found out. How China fell to his knees. How they cried for him to come back when he walked out the door.

The memory he just saw.


His brother, his twin brother.

How he just stood there staring at him.

North threw the razor on the floor and walked out of the bathroom. He felt more tears falling.

He walked to bed and cried himself to sleep.

                      40 minutes later
North woke up to a bright light shining. But he turned off the lights in his room.

"Hyung-Soo" he heard a familiar voice say.

The light soon stopped shining and showed the the figure of a man.

North looked closely. He recognized man.

It was Gary. (Ok come on admit it. Who else forgot about Gary? As the author I did at one point too.)

"Uh.. why are you here ?" He asked nervously.

"To help you understand." He simply said.

"Understand what?"

"Hyung-Soo you keep doubting it but listen, your siblings do care. They always have."

"No they don-"

"Come here."

North got out of bed and walked towards Gary. Gary touched his forehead. "Close your eyes."

He did as told and once he did. He saw the last memory.

Hyung-Soo picked up China. "I'm sorry China" he whispered. And put him on in his bedroom before walking to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom. He pulled out a picture of all of them when they were younger.

The memory changed.

It showed the rest of the Asian family at the table.

"Do you think he'll come ?" Tokyo asked.

"I hope." Taiwan said.

He never did.

"I miss the dinners in the past aru." China said as they all looked at North's seat at the table.

"You may open your eyes." He heard.

He did and looked at Gary.

"T-They do care."

Gary smiled and nodded. "Go to them"

North ran to the door and stopped.

He didn't know where they were. Or if they were even awake.

"South Korea's room. Rm 116." Gary said.

He nodded and ran out.

Once he got there he knocked on the door. 

He wasn't gonna turn back now. He was too close.


This is short but I'll update later. I'm at school now.

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