War Pt. 2

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China decided to tell a memory.

"One time, Keivan Rus was going to visit Scandinavia, so in preparation for that Scandinavia set traps EVERYWHERE. He hid all the traps under the snow, and there were at least 300 of them. But, when Keivan Rus arrived and Scandinavia went to greet him, he accidentally stepped on a trap and somehow managed to activate all of them. He ended up hanging by one ankle from a tree branch 500ft above ground, covered head to toe in snow, missing a few chunks of hair, and missing his gloves, boots, and socks." China was cracking up at the memory

A memory started to form.

It showed Scandinavia setting down traps.

He really was setting traps everywhere.

And had a smirk on his face while doing so.

The memory changed.

Scandinavia was walking towards the door.

He opened it to see Keivan Rus.

"Keivan, how have you been ?"

"Fine, you ?"

"Fine, thank you."

Scandinavia stepped outside to talk. He was watching his steps carefully.

"Would you like to take a walk ?"


The two were about to walk off the porch, Scandinavia was taking huge steps at a time while talking.

Kevian looked a bit curious and opened his mouth to speak.

But before anything came out, Scandinavia was dragged off the porch, through the snow, into some bushes, from there a few knifes and sharp objects started to fly, up then down a tree, and then up a HUGE tree where he finally got stuck and was hanging on by an ankle on a tree branch.

Kevian Rus stood for awhile, in shock, he pointed his finger at where Scandinavia was just standing, to the places he had been dragged, to the tree where he hung on now.

Before cracking up.

He took a good look at Scandinavia, the nation was covered head to toe in snow, missing a few chunks of hair, and missing his gloves, boots, and socks.

"Help !!"

"Were those meant for me ?"

Scandinavia didn't answer.

"Then no." Keivan Rus said still laughing before walking back to the house. He turned back around, "I'll call Britannia, but we both know it might take awhile before she gets here." 

With that he left Scandinavia up in the tree and headed inside the house.

The memory faded.

Basically everyone was laughing.

Even the Nordics were laughing/smiling at their father.


Scandinavia covered his blushing face from the other laughing Ancients.

Mostly Kevian Rus.

"Damn you China." He muttered.


"China how did you learn know about this event if you weren't there ?" England asked still laughing.

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