The next morning the countries woke up feeling.
How should I put it ?
A feeling of joy.
Or excitement.
I don't know, let's just say they woke up happy.
Well no- they woke up the happiest most of them have every been in a long time.
The Asian had spent the night together in South's room. They all looked a bit happier.
Sealand was getting closer and closer with his older brothers, who all had plans to visit their younger brother at least twice every month.
America managed to eat some of his dinner and keep it all down. While being watched very closely by England and France.
Yep things were getting better.
They all made their way to the meeting room.
Finland decided to read and picked up the book.
"This one is about Germany and Romano.
Romano and Germany are best friends."
Many nation's jaws dropped.
"What !?! No we aren't !!" Romano yelled. While Germany's mouth just hung open.
"Wait it isn't finish." Finland said.
"But only when they're drunk."
Now a few nations started to giggle. While Germany and Romano were blushing.
"This one is about China
China was supposed to die a long time ago, to be recognized as an ancient... and he did. The new representative of the country was a terrible child, though. China, being his father and all, gave him all the love he could've give someone... but the child, after getting the hand of a nation's duty, killed him. The boy was greedy, violent, cold, and many more awful thing. China's dragon boss refused to deal with such a kid and killed him in an ancient Chinese ritual, exchanging his life for China's. That's why China is still alive.But the boy still haunted him for a long time afterwards. He was always making China confused by acting like he loves him and then trying to end his life. Despite all that, China still loves him and has a soft spot for him in his heart. His actions broke China's heart so much it led him into drugs... then the Optium War happened and China lost his last brother. His son took opportunity of that and tried to break him, but China's dragon boss locked him in the Path Of Hell. After that, China started getting better and eventually left the drugs."
Everyone looked at him with sadness and shock in their eyes.
China had a son ?
Screw that.
China was on drugs ?
Double screw that
China died ?
You know what ? Triple screw that.
China's son killed him ?
Put it all together now. China had a son who later killed him which led him to drugs.
China did love his son.
He sighed, he wished the boy could have been more behaved.
Chin made contact with his siblings who sent him a 'we are definitely having a talk about this later.'
He nodded to Finland who continued.
"This is a note about Norway.The reason why Norway doesn't show emotion and talk much is because during the end of the Kalamar union, he started closing himself up due to always being in the middle of Denmark and Sweden's fighting. He considered both Sweden and Denmark to be family, so in order to prevent himself from becoming emotionally destroyed by their fighting he forced himself to not care about anything. After the wars were over, the habit stuck."
Denmark looked sadly at Norway. "I'm sorry Norge. I didn't mean for you to .... you know."
Sweden nodded.
Sometimes Norway didn't mind the whole no emotion thing but still sometimes it scared him to death.
"Hey Norge !! I got an idea maybe I can help you out with to end your habit if you want !!... I mean it was basically my fault for making you like this in the first place." He said saying the last part quietly.
"We'll all help." Finland said. Receiving nods from the other Nordics.
A few other countries also nodded.
Norway cracked a small smile.
That in time would get bigger.
Jack watched Native America.
He always admired her.
He loved her.
He knew that they were on better terms, but didn't know if she still did have any feelings toward him.
Especially after what he did.
Little did he know that she did.

When the silence comes to light
FanfictionEveryone has secrets that they keep from the others.Everyone has suffered in silence .Nobody wants their secrets being told. But what happens when the nations secrets are revealed at a world meeting. What happens when the silence is broken and the s...