It's Called Family, North Pt.3

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I updated at like 7:09 a.m. today so if you haven't, go see that chapter first than come back to this.

Updated: 5/8/17


Thailand opened the door. He looked confused to see North there.

"May I come in.... please ?" North asked before Thailand could even speak but hey he wasn't complaining he opened the door wider to North in.

He walked in the room and came face to face with his other silblings.

"Hyung-Soo, umm is there something you need ?" China asked.

"I.. I-" he was cut off when he felt arms wrap around him and looked up to see China.

Apparently China had read his mind or something.

Now China, he felt North tense up and expected him to pull away.

But he didn't. In fact, he hugged back.

He felt like he could explode with joy.

It's okay, aru."

The two countries pulled away and North looked around and saw his other siblings smiling.

Even Japan and Vietnam.

And they weren't really ones to normally express themselves.

He looked directly at South.

His brother was looking directly at him.

North took a deep breath and walked towards South Korea.

"South I know we're not as close as w- I mean I'm- I mean-" he stopped talking. He didn't really know how to explain.

South understood what he was trying to say and nodded at his brother. He started to smile wider than North ever thought possible.

He saw his brother slightly open his arms and thought back to the note.

'Yong-Soo doesn't show it, because he's afraid of getting you irritated'

It was going to be different now. He wouldn't get irritated.

He looked at his brother and nodded.

A gleam of shock and excitement flashed through South's eyes.

And less than 1 second later a set of arms were once again wrapped around him.

Followed by another and another and another.

Apparently it was the others.

Japan and Vietnam were watching them before looking at each other and joining in.

They all pulled away with smiles on their faces.

They were a family again.

"We still haven't had dinner, whose hungry aru ?" China said heading to the kitchen in the room. (Pretend it's really big.)

Well China did say he missed the dinners in the past.

A few minutes later they all sat at the table and ate. For the first time in a long time they were all together again as a family.

Not divided or anything.

But together.

Yep just like the past.

Just like the past.

Gary watched them from up above, smiling. He looked at his book and checked off a box. That said.

Get Asian family back together.

He heard laughter and looked to see Jack, Native America, and Confedrancy talking about something and laughing.

Things were getting better.

Little by little.

But at least they were getting better.

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