To Be Lost

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The first thing Keith knew, was that he was being held. He could feel warmth surrounding him. The voices were talking. Deep voices that could hurt him. He started to shift his body to discover that his arms and legs were bound. His eyes shot open, staring at the person holding him. The person didn't look down, continuing to talk. Keith started to panic and thrash.
"Llet me go!" Keith started to yell and tried to get free. Lotor tightened his grip on the paladin.
"Calm down, paladin." Lotor tried to soothe.
"What is a paladin?! Who are you?! LET ME GO!!" Keith screamed. It was apparent that he remembered nothing. Lotor sent a bigger amount of calming quintessence to the little one. It took a while for Kremlin to absorb it but once he had, he was almost asleep. Lotor just continued to hold him. The ship docked into central command. Lotor signaled to Thrace to inject the red paladin with a sedative. The cub was really a small thing. His father was waiting in the throne room so that is where Lotor went, still carrying the unconscious cub.
"Lotor, why have you brought the paladin with you?" Zarkon asked.
"He remembers nothing and I believe that it would not be in the best interest of anyone to leave him unsupervised, even if he is restrained." Lotor stated. Zarkon nodded in agreement, stood and walked to his private quarters, Lotor following. The door to the quarters slid shut. Zarkon reached out to touch his lost grandson. He placed his hand on the cub's head, gently running his hand back and forth. Lotor handed the cub to Zarkon. "Father, you need to start giving him quintessence. I cannot give much more right now."
"Of course." Zarkon said as he held the cub. The sedative was wearing of enough to cause the cub's yellow, pupil less eyes to crack open as he tried to fight the sedative. Zarkon started the quintessence transfer to his grandson in the hopes of calming the terrified cub. Kremlin was absorbing it slowly but it should increase as time goes on. The cub tried to fight the quintessence and the person who did not allow him to move. He flinched when the person raised a hand. The person wiped away the tears he had not even realized he had released. He felt so lost. Where was he? Would he be hurt? He whimpered, only causing the person to panic and loosen their hold a little.
"Calm down, little one. You are safe now. No one will ever take you away from us again." The person said. Kremlin (from this point on, he will be called kremlin if the Galra are talking about him) seemed to relax and accept the quintessence. He was extremely tired and fell asleep.

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