Mind Of A Child-Part Two

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AN: Keith is mentally less than one standard Galra year old because of the trauma and abuse and physically two standard Galra years old. I forgot to put this in other chapters but I want to make it clear here. Also, Allura and Lotor were brother and sister in all but blood until the war. Lotor wants to fix the relationship and the mess his parents caused, genuinely fix not like how he said he would as an act in the series. He has morals and a conscience.
If you didn't read the author's note above, please do before continuing to read this chapter.
Lotor sighed as Kremlin finally fell asleep. He'd constantly been yelling for Shiro after having a nightmare. Lotor decided it would be best to contact the black paladin, maybe even capture the man depending on how the conversation went. He approached Thrace, fully aware that he was a traitor but at least he hadn't betrayed Lotor or Kremlin.
"Thrace, please bring up a secured channel with the Paladins of Voltron. I need to speak to the Black Paladin. The Blade Of Marmora also will be allowed to become more if they find a way to bring my father out of his madness. My mother will need to be sedated before I can help her. Why do you look shocked?" Lotor was puzzled by this Galra. Thrace nodded before pulling up the requested channel. Allura was the one to appear.
"Hello again, Princess. May I inquire to speak to Shiro. It appears that Kremlin, your Red Paladin, misses him fiercely." Lotor gave the princess a genuine smile. She smiled back, albeit shyly.
"Lotor, it is good to know that you have not changed much and your son was not lost as I had feared. I grieve with you for your wife. Answer me this question and I'll allow Shiro to talk with you. Do you agree with all your father has done?" Allura was just as Lotor remembered her. He sighed.
"Truthfully, I strongly disagree with the way he has treated the Galra and the way he has forced us to do his bidding. I am against many of his doings but I cannot prevent him or betray him, Allura. He is my father and I would never betray him. I will not stop you or the Blade. My father has been suffering from madness since the Galra home world had been destroyed by his own foolishness. For your losses, I grieve also. They were my people also, Allura. Kremlin was sent to Earth by my father-in-law. He had a human appearance, his Galra genes deeply repressed. He transformed and his genes took over, reducing him to the body of a small Galra cub and his mindset is not much better. He still cries for Shiro. I believe it is best if you informed your team, my sister. I regret what has happened in the past and wish to correct it. I apologize for my part in all of this." Lotor hadn't noticed the tears that fell from his eyes but Allura did.
"My brother, I forgive you. I am sorry but I am wary of you still. In time, we will become close again. I will inform my team and I hope you are truthful of the madness. Are there any Altean survivors?" Allura found her mental bond with Lotor reconnect and his sincerity and love for her started to heal her broken heart. They both gasped in shock at the feel of the bond.
"Sister, I thank you for this gift. The Blade has many Altean survivors hidden away and the Altean that lived on the Galra home world are safely and happily living on an unoccupied planet granted to them. The location will appear on your screen in a few ticks as I just typed them. This is their communication frequency. Contact me whenever you wish." Lotor smiled, filled with peace for the first time since Allura and his bond had snapped. She smiled at him also before the screen went blank. Thrace was just in more shock. Lotor left him to figure it out. Kremlin was laughing about something when he entered the room. His mother, looking more like herself from before the incident, was the cause of the happiness. He smiled at her, her skin looking less purple and her hair held more color. He silently sat on the floor, happy that his little family was returning to him slowly but surely. He started to record this, definitely sending it to Allura later.
Kremlin giggled again as his grandma tickled him, making funny faces, and even played his favorite game where she disappeared than came back! He was so happy right now, forgetting Shiro and Daddy as he played. Grandma disappeared, he became sad, she was back and he squealed in happiness. She cooed at him and he reached up for her. He loved Grandma's hugs! They were the best! Grandma picked him up and started rocking him back and forth, humming a lullaby. He drifted asleep quickly. She kissed the top of his head before tucking him in and Lotor stopped recording, hiding the camera. She kissed her son on the forehead and drifted away. Lotor sat there in shock before sending for Thrace, giving him a copy of the footage, and ordered him to send it to Allura. He smiled at his son, so innocent, and marveled at how the mind of a child worked.

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