Suprises for Shiro

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AN: Sorry about short chapter. Enjoy

Allura smiled as the screen went blank. She was so happy to have Lotor back, and she knew where Keith was! Shiro was going to be so happy! She simply couldn't contain her squeal of joy. Coran was grinning as he messed with his mustache, watching Allura type away as she planned an elaborate scheme.

"Coran! We found him! Lotor isn't evil! Our people are still alive! Coran, this is the best day in my entire life!" Allura was simply and absolutely buzzing in excitement. When she had finished, she summoned the team together. Shiro stared out the viewing port absently while the others whispered. Allura cleared her throat to get everyone's attention but was interupted by a small voice, void of all emotion.

"Princess, did you find anything?" Shiro all but whispered the question.

"Yes! In fact, I know exactly where he is. He is healthy, happy, and loved." Shiro stared at her in shock. Allura didn't notice. "His father wishes for..." She was interupted by a message dinging. Coran opened the file and the video played. It was of baby Kremlin with a more natural looking Altean mage playing peak a boo. It was unmistakably Keith and he was healthy, just as Allura said. The baby laughed when the person uncovered their face. Shiro was in a deep shock and started to pass out.

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