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AN: Work and funeral for a close family member has slowed me down a bit. Sorry for the short chapter.
When life becomes too much, a problem that feels like the weight of the world is upon you, one question crosses your mind.
Why? Why me? Why my family? Why did this happen?!
Bitterness is hot on the heels of that question. Anger then numbness soon follow. At least it was this way for Hunk when his father disappeared, leaving him with his mother. He was in love with cooking but his mother was strongly against it.
"A boy should never be in the kitchen! Go outside and be useful instead of lazying about like the spineless fool!"
"If you were more like that boy down the block, he would never have left! Get out of the kitchen and stop cooking!"
His mother continued with these comments until he joined the garrison. She never spoke to him again, allowing him to do as he wished. He commandeered the kitchen whenever possible, making the best food for miles around. Cakes, lasagna, soups, pastries, and many more food items streamed forth. Each one making him feel whole and content. That was how he and Lance became friends at first. Lance was a jerk for the first few weeks but Hunk just baked him cookies until Lance broke down in tears. Hunk loved hugging people and somehow became Lance's best friend, protector, and cuddle buddy from that day forth. Hunk was happy.
Then everything changed. He followed Lance into trouble and Pidge joined them. Keith led them to the first lion and from there everything was a whirl storm. His hero was alive, aliens were real, they were practically super galactic heroes, and everything was great. Then Keith went missing. He couldn't stand seeing all his friends sad. Now he was going to try to fix his family. Did he really just call them his family? Was he willing to be hurt by them like his family on Earth did?
Yes. Yes, he was willing. He was going to fix his family and the Galra will pay for what they have done:

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