As The Sun Rises

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AN: I have just begun watching season three of Voltron. I may use parts of it but I think this story is going to remain pre season three. Keith is young. In Galra terms, he's about six. Human terms he is an emo teen.
Shiro heard alarms coming from the hospital room he had just left. He raced back to a sight that broke his heart. The small boy he had rescued was trying to hide behind some of the equipment. The boy's eyes were open saucers. Fear radiated off of him in waves.
"Hey, buddie. I won't hurt you. My name is Shiro. I'm going to be taking care of you." Shiro softly called. The little boy flinched as Shiro had come closer. Shiro sat five feet away from the cowering kid. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe." Shiro was desperately trying to calm the kid. Some nurses burst into the room, needles, cardiovascular zapper, intubation supplies, and restraints in hand. Keith panicked and launched himself into Shiro. Shiro found himself with an armful of tearful toddler, rocking and rubbing said toddler's back. One of the nurses turned off the alarms and herded the others out of the room.
"We will be alright as the sun rises. Always as the sun rises in the east will we be at peace. We are family as strong as ore. Never will I leave you, my child." Shiro softly sang to his little child.
Shiro took Keith home with him a month later and enrolled his son in kindergarten. A kid by the name Jamie picked on him. Keith fought the kid on the first day of school.
"Hey, freak! You have funny thing on face!" Jamie pointed at Keith's face as he laughed. Most of the other kids laughed also. Keith only glared before his little fist connected with Jamie's jaw. Shiro had only left the classroom a minute before the fight happened. The teacher swore up and down that Shiro's kid spoke in a strange language and shouted something like rapidsa. Shiro only raised an eyebrow at the teacher, Keith clinging to him and appearing absolutely innocent. After Shiro put Keith in his car seat he looked him dead in the eye.
"As the rises, my child you will always be."

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