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Why would the food moot stay down? Why couldn't he just gat a break for once! Shirk was having constant flashbacks and overall nightmares about the Galra and how they would be treating his son. He knew something was wrong with this whole situation. Don't get him wrong, he just didn't understand why they weren't finding Keith. The Galra weren't broadcasting that they had a paladin. He tried to eat again. He just couldn't keep it down no matter what he did. Even water made him sick.
Halfway across the universe, Kremlin awoke again in the arms of Zarkon. He knew he should be scared or even try to fight but he didn't have the energy or the strength to do a thing. He was still bound, causing him to freak a little. Zarkon merely held the small cub closer to his chest and rocked back and forth. The cub's stomach growled, causing Lotor to laugh.
"Are you hungry, my little one?" Lotor asked, scooping his whole world into his arms. The yellow eyes of his son stared unblinkingly into his own before a shy nod came from the little one. Lotor carried Kremlin to the family quarters, ordering one of the guards to bring him food. When it arrived, he gently fed Kremlin the food. Kremlin purred after the first bite but only ate little over a quarter of what was on the small plate. He refused to eat anymore and found himself cuddling to the one to feed him, feeling the love and basking in it. A memory came to his mind.
Lotor came home to his young cub running around the house, high pitched laughter escaping his lips as his wife chased their cub. Kremlin saw his father and ran to him.
"Dada! Dada! Dada!" Lotor laughed, swinging his little cub around before hugging him tightly.
"Hello to you also, my little one. Do you want to say more words for me?" Lotor and the woman stood there watching him ponder the thought. "Gamfa! Mma... Mama!!" Lotor and his wife almost burst into tears with pride. Their cub was slower to speak than normal but he had walked earlier than most and ran before all.
"Lotor, our baby just said two more words!!!" Mama ran off to tell someone. Kremlin yawned.
"Are you sleepy, my child?" Lotor rocked back and forth rubbing the exhausted cub's back. Kremlin shook his head weakly, his head already on his father's shoulder, sucking his thumb and eyes half closed.
"Sleep in peace knowing that you are my whole world." Lotor whispered as his cub drifted off.
End Flashback
Kremlin looked shyly at Lotor.
"Ddada?" He whispered softly, forgetting that he was bound as he tried to hug his father. Lotor's eyes widened before he undid the cuffs and had his cub attached to him in a death grip, small shoulders shaking with sobs.
"Hush, my whole world. You are safe now and nothing will ever take you away from me again." Lotor promised. He didn't know that Shiro had adopted and taken care of his cub and he would probably never had cared enough to bother to know, but if he had than he would've understood why Keith was so important to the raging black Paladin. Why they searched relentlessly.
Said Paladin was being fussed over by the others. Hugs were given in too many amounts, too much food, not enough training, too many concerned looks.
"I'll be fine once my son is back. Everything will be fine once Keith is back. I promise I'll get him back." Shiro muttered.

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