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~A/N: I'll be writing in third person until around the fifth chapter, then I'll switch to first for the remainder of the book. It's easier for me to establish the basis of the story in third person more than first.~

3rd Person POV

Ben groans as the sunlight hits his eyes the next morning. A hangover wasn't on his agenda, but judging by the amount of alcohol he had consumed after Danny had left yesterday, it was inevitable. A half a bottle of whiskey, a fourth of a bottle of tequila, and a beer or two is a recipe for a disastrous hangover.
His head feels as if tangling to explode out of his skull as he makes the short walk to the ensuite bathroom, where he takes a shower that is so cold, it's sure to give him pneumonia or some sickness. But it's not like he cares, he's hardly coherent at 8a.m. on a regular day, but he's especially incoherent if he has a hangover.
Ben gets dressed in in skinny jeans, a sweatshirt, and a black beanie, before he goes to his kitchen to fix himself some breakfast out of the few edible groceries that he has left. He and his band, Asking Alexandria, had got home from tour almost three days ago and he had yet to go shopping for new groceries. All Ben had done was since he got home was sleep.
The lilac piece of paper haunts him as he sits down at his kitchen table, ready and eager to devour the bowl of milk-less cereal and bottles of Evian water he had found, along with a couple pain killers and nausea pills. Ben had realized the milk had become way past sour when he had tried to consume it moments before, and he's sure he'd be sick from that also but again, not like he cared, at least at this moment. He grabs the piece of paper with his free hand and scans over it as he munches on the extremely hard Lucky Charms.
"You are cordially invited to the joining of love between Mr. Andrey Nathaniel Voss and Alana Rae Medvedev on May 29th, 2017 at 4:30pm at the popular Moscow, Russia Flower Garden."
"This should have my name next to hers." He mumbles to himself. "It was a mutual breakup, I don't know why I'm so bitter."

"So, Texas." Alana mutters, her head hanging low. "They want you to move to Texas."
Ben nods, a solemn look on his face, which soon turns into his signature, toothy grin. "But you can come with me! You should!"
Now it's Alana's turn for the solemn expression. "Ben, I can't. I have school here. I can't leave England right now. My scholarships aren't international, if they were, I'd go."
"Transfer! I'll pay for your school!"
"No, Ben. I can't let you do that. It's too much."
Ben huffs angrily. "It's not to much! Excuse me if I'd like to live with my fucking fiancé! We're getting married in four months for Christ's' sake!"
Alana's lip trembles. "Please don't yell at me, Ben. I'm not happy either. I have my family here...." She blinks away tears that are begging to fall. "Plus, my grandmum's sick, and you know I take care of her. I can't risk flying her across the world away from her doctors."
Ben's face softens. "I forgot about that..."
"You always seem to."
"So what are we gonna do about the wedding? I'm scheduled to go on a mandatory around the time of the wedding."
"Well you can't drop the tour, it's mandatory... so just drop the wedding."
Ben's face falls, and he sighs deeply. "You can not be serious."
Alana nods. "I am. Let's cancel it, you can move to Texas, and on my break I'll fly out and we can see where the relationship stands as of then. It's the most logical option since we can't rush the wedding."
"I hate when you're right."
Alana giggles. "You always have."
"I always will." Ben wraps both arms around Alana, resting his chin atop her head. "So what now?"
Alana pulls back, and sighs, twiddling the rose gold band, adorned with tiny diamonds, around her finger. "I guess you get this back." She removes the ring and places it in Ben's hand. "I don't feel right wearing it if we're on a "break", it'd just feel weird."
Ben nods, placing the ring in his pocket. "I'll put it in a safe place for you, Lana. If we work out when you fly out, I'll gladly re-propose."
Lana gives Ben a small smile. "Id like that."

She never flew out to Texas. She said she found someone new. She and Ben never worked out. The "break" turned infinite.

Butterfly • Book 1/3Where stories live. Discover now