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(Lana's double date outfit is at the top.)

3rd Person POV
4th of July

Ben had decided to take Lana on a double date with Danny and Elena today. The men had planned to take their girls out to dinner and then to see fireworks in downtown Dallas, where they would stay the night. Everyone was excited, to say the least. Drinking would take place, that's for sure. Everyone planned to get shitfaced. It would be one of their last "hoorah's" before the boys went on tour, which they had failed to tell the girls about yet. Alana was excited to spend a night with Ben, and to spend time with Danny again. She'd only seen him once since the move to Texas. Ben was exited to tell Danny about his relationship. He'd been keeping it a secret incase it didn't work out. Ben hoped Danny would be happy for him, because he was happy for himself.
Lana runs a hand through her new, now shoulder length brunette hair, sighing while she does so. She hoped tonight would go without incident.
She tightens her belt around her waist, and slips a few various pieces of jewelry on. "Lana! We're leaving!"
Lana sighs, sliding her tiny feet into her brown suede vans and heading downstairs to meet the others. (I included a pic of the shoes below bc I didn't know they had suede vans until I googled it and I didn't know how many other people didn't know either.)

(Time skip until they arrive at the restaurant

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(Time skip until they arrive at the restaurant.)

"So, Lana, how do you like Texas so far?" Danny asks, taking a sip of his beer.
"It's different, that's for sure."
Everyone laughs as they sip on their alcohol, waiting for their waitress to come back and take their orders.
"You and Ben are adorable together!"
"Elena, they aren't-"
Ben stops Danny mid sentence. "Actually, Daniel-"
"That's not my name."
Ben huffs. "Actually, DANIEL, we are, and have been for a little while. We just decided to pick up where we left off- minus the engagement and everything."
Before anyone can reply, a petite lady with aqua colored hair walks up to them.
"Hi, my name's Sadie, and I'll be your new waitress. Abby had to- Ben?!"
All the air seems to be sucked out of Ben's lungs, and he chokes on the alcoholic beverage he had been drinking. Lana pats his back, quite roughly, and Ben's little choking episode soon ceases.
"Ben, aren't you going to say hello? Aren't you happy to see me?" Sadie glances towards Lana, a look of disgust on her face. "Who's that?"
Ben shakes his head. "It doesn't matter who she is, Sadie. Take our order or leave and find us another waitress."
"Fine, whatever. What do you want?"
When it gets down to Lana, Sadie scoffs and writes something down before Lana can ever give her order. "I'll be right back with that."
"Um, excuse me." Elena says, causing Sadie to walk back to their table. "Lana didn't order."
"That's because I ordered for her."
"What gives you the bloody right to do that? What did you even order her?" The annoyance in Ben's voice is evident when he speaks to Sadie.
"I'm the waitress. I control the orders." A little, annoying, high pitched, shrill laugh escapes Sadie's mouth. "I ordered her a Salad," she then gestured towards Lana. "Clearly she needs it."
Lana shakes her head and stands up. "I'll be right back."
She makes her way to the single person restroom, quickly locking the door behind her. Lana usually never let things like this get to her, but today, it just did. She slides down the bathroom wall, and pulls her knees to her chest, burning her face in them. She lets the hot, salty tears fall.
⚠️⚠️⚠️Possible Trigger⚠️⚠️⚠️
Lana didn't know how long she had been crying for when the door opened, revealing none other than the bitch Sadie herself. Sadie bends down to eye level with Lana before speaking.
"You listen, and you listen good. You're coming with me. You won't go back to the table, you won't go back home to Ben. You'll stay away from Ben. I'll release you when I have him for myself, do you understand?!"
Lana laughs, shaking her head. The laughing stops when Sadie pulls a small, sliver revolver out of her shirt, pressing it to Lana's temple. "Is it funny now, little bitch? I know who you are. I know yours and Ben's past. I know everything. He broke up with me because he still had feelings for you. He left me and our unborn child, granted I hadn't told him at the time, who I aborted soon after, because he had feelings for you. You ruined my life in spirit, now you're going to ruin it by being with him once again. I will not have it!"
Lana nods, attempting to swallow the lump in her throat. "Do you understand me, Alana?!"
"I do- I do. Please don't hurt me!"
"I won't, for now at least." Sadie places the gun back in her shirt, a smirk evident on her face. "Now, you just dance your pretty self out of the back door, and don't think of returning to Ben, okay?" Lana nods, and follows Sadie's instructions. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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