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⚠️️Trigger Warning ⚠️
~A/N: Lol nobody's reading this why am I writing it? 1st person will begin when they get back to Texas~

3rd Person POV
31st of May, 2017

After one of the wedding attendees (who Ben soon discovered was his mum) called the police to investigate Alana's claims of abuse, Andrey was arrested after the claims were found to be true. Lana's best friend, Ava (Avaleigh), Ben and his mum, Bex, Danny, and Elena are helping her pack her things to be shipped to Texas. She and Ben's flight home was tomorrow, and her things would arrive at some point in the following week.
When Ava found out about Andrey's abuse, she was furious, but when she found out about Lana's sudden move to Texas, furious didn't even begin to describe how she was feeling. She yelled, cried, cussed, yelled some more, cried some more, but she eventually calmed down once she realized it was for the best that Lana left Russia. Nobody knew what Andrey was capable of at this point, and truthfully, nobody wanted to find out.
Lana shrieks when Ben holds up one of her bralettes, which happened to be the skimpiest one she owned. It was white lace, with whatever part that wasn't lace being a soft, extremely see though material in all of the right places (In Ben's mind at least.) She snatches it away from him and violently throws it in one of her suitcases. "You aren't supposed to be going through that, Ava and Bex are."
Ben chuckles and pretends to pout. "But it's fun! Seeing you all blush-y and embarrassed is fun!"
Everyone in the room laughs, causing Lana to cover her face in embarrassment. "I hate everyone of you."
"No you don't!" Sarah (Ben's mom) practically sings as she all but dances around Lana's home, packing up the things she or Lana deemed necessary to take. She was aiding a lot in this process, due to her being the only motherly figure Lana had left. After Lana's grandmother passed away, she had nobody to guide her towards the right decisions. She was on her own. Her siblings were living their own lives in various parts of the world, too busy to guide Lana in the right direction.
Lana is called off in the direction of the guest bathroom by Sarah, leaving Ben, Bex, and Ava to do whatever it was that they were doing.
"Honey," Sarah says, locking the door behind Lana. She pulls a plastic bag from behind her back, containing to positive pregnancy tests. "What's this? When was this?"
Lana's breath catches in her throat. "N-nothing. It's Ava's?" The voice crack at the end was a dead giveaway that she was caught in a lie.
"So you're pregnant?" Sarah says bluntly.
⚠️️Trigger Warning ⚠️
Lana shakes her head. "No, I'm not, not anymore." She sharply intakes a breath and lets it out slowly. "At 10 weeks, I had a miscarriage. The doctors don't know why, it just sort of "happened" they said. That's kind of when Andrey started acting weird. It happened in February, but he started physically abusing me as well as verbally in April. He blames me for it, that's why he wouldn't let me throw the tests out when I miscarried. I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't put my child in harms way, I'd never do that, but he says I did it on purpose. I really didn't, I swear I didn't." Lana's voice cracks at the end, and tears fall down her face.
Sarah wraps both of her arms around Lana, rubbing her back soothingly, and whispers words of comfort in her ear. "Please don't tell Ben, please." Lana blubbers. "I don't want him to know."
Sarah shakes her head. "It's not for me to tell him, Love. If you want him to know, that's your choice."
Lana nods, and after a few minutes, the two exit the bathroom and head back to the master bedroom to find the others, who are blasting metal music through the speakers of Andrey's stereo system.
"Benjamin Paul Bruce!," his mum screams "get the poor girls bra and knickers off!"
Lana shakes her head, a small smile forming when she sees Ben has her lace underwear and bra set on over the top of his clothes. She snaps a few pictures of him on her phone before he can realize it.
"Look at meeeeee!" He squeals, like a female. "I'm Lana and I have boooooobieeess!" Ben then proceeds to grab the area where his boobs would be if he hand any, and dances around the room. Ben's sister Bex, and Ava laugh quietly to themselves in the corner, while his mum stands in the doorway with a scowl on her face.
"I'm sorry dear, I figured he knew he was 25 and not 5."
Lana shakes her head. "It's no big deal, really." She smiles. "I missed times like this, I really did."
Sarah smiles. (~A/N:P!ATD reference FTW!) "I did too, I truly did. I missed having you around." She leans over to whisper in Lana's ear. "I know Ben did too. He still loves you, ya know. He told me so."
Lana's heart begins to race as she looks at Ben, who is still dancing in her undergarments, and then to his mum. She then whispers in his mum's ear. "Trust me, I think I love him back."

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