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A picture of Lana's best friend, Avaleigh, is at the top.


~A/N: This should be the second to last 3rd person chapter. The girl pictured above is Alana's best friend Avaleigh.~

3rd Person POV
May 29th, 2017

Ben mom, Sarah, straightens out his tie, mumbling incoherent words as she does so. "I'm so glad you decided to come. You're doing the right thing."
"Please don't say it's closure." Ben says to her. "I'm sick of hearing it."
"I wasn't going to say that. You can see it as closure, or you can see it as wasted time. Take your pick."
"I view it as wasted time." He mumbles. "I don't see why I'm even here."
His mother sighs, gesturing to the hotel bed. "Come here, sit down."
Ben obliges, sitting on the edge of the bed, next to his mother. "Is this some type of therapy session?"
Sarah nods, letting out a small sigh. "I know you still love her, Benjamin."
"I do not love her st-"
"Hush boy. Don't interrupt your mother." He doesn't. "I can see it in your eyes and I hear it in your voice when you speak. The uncertainty, the sadness, the longing to have again what you once did, the anger, I see it all. I hear it all, Ben. I'm your mother, I know these things. I see the regret you sometimes have on your decision to move to Texas. I know you love the band, but I know you love her more. I knew the decision would tear you apart, but it wasn't mine to make, so I kept my mouth shut. You were just starting your career, but I knew you wish you would've chose her over it. You still love her, Ben, there's no denying it. Everyone sees it, Bex, Danny, the band, your step father, we all see it for Christ's' sake."
Ben bites the inside of his cheek, unable to form any coherent words at the moment.
"Just admit it, Ben. Stop denying it, I know you're hurting."
He sighs. "Mummy, you're right. I still love her and I don't know what to do."
"What's your heart telling you do do?" She asks him, taking his large hand in her small one.
"Well, honestly, it's saying to try to win her back today," he pauses, looking down at his feet "but the other part is telling me to leave her be and let her be happy."
"You're your own person, Ben, make this decision, and soon. You're 26, be an adult when making this decision."

~Switching to 3rd Person, observing Lana.~

"Guys, can I get a moment alone?"
Lana's bridal party leaves the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She reaches down and grabs her leather bound journal out of her bag, as well as her purple gel pen. Lana opens the book to one of the few blank pages, placing it on the vanity in front of her, and begins to write.

29th of May, 2017
Today's the day, my wedding day. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I'm more nervous to see Ben again than I am to actually get married. I'm honestly doubting getting married to Andrey, especially after his episodes. He's abused me four more times since the first, each one as painful as the last, but I can't run. I love him, but I'm starting to question how much I truly do. I don't feel as safe with him as I once did, but I don't know what to do.
I realized that I still have small feelings for Ben. Sometimes I fantasize about the wedding being between him and I, not Andrey and I. Sometimes I wish I would've dropped school and went with him, but nobody would've been there to take care of my grandmother. I truly hope that when the priest asks if anybody objects, that Ben does. I'm surprised he even accepted the invite, I genuinely hope he shows up.

Lana ends the journal entry, placing the book and pen back in her bag. She glances at herself in the mirror and gasps. She hadn't had much time to truly look at herself since her hair and makeup had been done, and to say she looked stunning was truly an understatement.

~A/N: We're just gonna pretend her hair is white blonde and not that color

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~A/N: We're just gonna pretend her hair is white blonde and not that color. Use your imagination.~

Lana realizes that when she puts her dress on, true reality would set in, and she'd be marrying someone who abuses her, someone who she thought loved her. Tears try to form in her eyes, but she blinks them away. She doesn't want to ruin her gorgeous makeup that her best friend, Avaleigh, spent so long on. She lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding as the door opens and the bridal party comes back in.
"Sorry for interrupting your "me time", but you gotta get into your dress, it's almost time." Avaleigh says, gesturing for Lana to stand up. "I can't believe today's the day!"
Lana smiles slightly and walks over to where her dress hangs, zipped up in the protective bag, unzipping it. Remembering what she had wrote earlier, she whispers "I can't believe it either."
She turns to Avaleigh, gesturing towards her dress. "You gonna help me or what?" She giggles.
After Avaleigh helps Lana into her dress and perfects any imperfections, the bridal party heads outside to take pictures.

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~A/N: I know Avaleigh doesn't look like any of these women, I just found this picture on google and I loved the background and the dresses

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~A/N: I know Avaleigh doesn't look like any of these women, I just found this picture on google and I loved the background and the dresses. Use your imagination. Same thing with the picture of the bride, pretend it's Lana.~

Before Lana could comprehend it, pictures were over, and the ceremony began.

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