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Lana's hair is at the top, that is NOT what she looks like, she is played by Lauren Bowe.

⚠️️⚠️️⚠️️TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ ⚠️️⚠️️

April 21st, 2017
3rd Person POV

Lana runs a hand through her short, white-blonde hair as she looks over all of the RSVP's for her wedding. "He didn't reply." She thinks to herself.
She hears the front door of her and Andrey's home slam, signaling he's home from work. "You've got mail." He says, throwing a small envelope down in front of her and stomping off to their room. He's always like this after work; stomping in, throwing the mail at Alana, and stomping off to their room. She hears a door slam and she sighs. Things have been complicated between them lately, and she wondering if she's making the right decision. She shouldn't be contemplating getting married to him, but she is.
She eyes the small envelope, a massive smile forming on her face once she sees the sender's name.

Benjamin Bruce
5234 Arbor Drive
Euless, TX 75062

"He replied!" She squeals, to herself of course. She rips open the small envelope, her smile growing wider as she begins to read the RSVP.

"I, Benjamin Bruce, politely accept the invitation to the joining of love between Mr. Andrey Nathaniel Voss and Alana Rae Medvedev on the 29th of May, 2017 at 4:30 p.m at the Moscow, Russia Flower Garden."

"I can't believe he's actually coming.... I finally get to see him again." She thinks.
Lana gets up from her position at the kitchen table, walking off to her and Andrey's bedroom.
⚠️ The smell of smoke fills her nostrils when she opens the door, and she immediately gags. Lana looks for Andrey, and she finds him by the window, a joint in hand, eyes bloodshot.
"Andrey! What the FUCK?!" She screams. "I told you to stop doing that shit! You promised me you stopped doing that shit! You know I have breathing issues, why would you do that?! Especially in our HOUSE!" Lana practically roars.
Andrey snorts. "You honestly believed me? I can't believe you'd actually believe me when I promised that." He begins to laugh. "You're hilarious. Absolutely hilarious."
Tears begin to form in Lana's eyes. "Why are you being like this, Andrey? We're getting married in almost a month!"
"Because," He says, taking another hit from the joint, "I run this house, I'm the man, I do as I want and speak as I want."
"That gives you no right to treat me like garbage."
Andrey stands up abruptly, throwing the joint out the window, and storms over to Lana, backing her up against the wall. He pins her hands above her, and brings his face centimeters from hers. "I treat you however I please, you understand? You'll be my wife in a month, Alana, I get to torture you forever."
Lana gags and gasps for her breath. The stench of weed is overpowering, especially with Andrey practically on top of her. "Andrey, p-please. Y-you're hurting me!"
"Good!" He yells. "You deserve it, bitch." His rough hand comes in contact with her face, a loud "TWACK!" echos throughout their room.
Andrey releases his grip on Lana and exits the bedroom, leaving her in a crying heap on the floor.
"I can't believe him!" She cries out loud, her voice soon turning to a whisper. "But I can't leave him, I love him."

~A/N: Sorry this is so short, this part is critical and didn't need to be dragged out.~

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