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⚠️️Trigger Warning⚠️️
3rd Person POV

When Alana's gaze fell upon Ben as she walked down the isle, all time seemed to stop. He thought she looked gorgeous, she thought he looked as handsome as ever.
The priest goes through all of the usual lovey-dovey type stuff, which makes Ben want to vomit. His smile turns into a scowl and his arms cross when the priest asks Andrey to say his vows.
"Alana, I used to be afraid of falling in love, of giving my heart away.
How could I trust a woman to love me, to give to me all that I wanted to give to her? Alana, when I met you, I realized how much we could share together. You have renewed my life: Today I join that life with yours. Respecting each other, we commit to live our lives together, for all the days to come. I ask you to share this world with me, for good and ill.
Be my partner, and I will be yours."
Everyone claps as the priest asks Alana to say her vows in return. Her voice begins to shake, and her eyes look everywhere but at Andrey, but only Ben seems to notice. Her gaze locks with Ben's and she smiles, but again, only he seems to notice.
"I promise to be there when you need me, to fill your days with sunshine, to comfort you and encourage you, to help you reach your goals, to be your best friend ever and to love you all my life with all my heart. I acknowledge my love for you and invite you to share my life as I hope to share yours. I promise to walk by your side, to love, help and encourage you. I vow to take time to share with you, to listen and to care. I will share your laughter and your tears as your partner, lover and friend. I promise always to respect you and honor you as an individual and to be conscious of your needs. I shall seek through kindness and compassion to achieve with you the life we have planned together."
"Now," the priest begins to speak, "does anyone object to this marriage?"
Ben swallows the thought of raising his hand and speaking. The wedding guests are quiet, the only sounds being heard are the birds chirping quietly in the distance. Ben looks around to see if anyone has their hand up, when he here's a small voice.
"I do."
The voice belongs to Lana. "Andrey, I can't do it anymore. I can't take it. I can't let you abuse me and take advantage of me. You've only done it a few times, but it's a few times too many. I can't keep pretending I'm happy, I can't. I'm sorry."
She runs away from the alter and back into the building, tears streaming down her face. Andrey's facial expression can be described as nothing but livid. Gasps are heard amongst everyone, but not Ben. He sort of expected it, but at the same time he didn't. Before he can realize what he's doing, he's running off in the same direction that Alana ran.
His heart's pounding and his brain can't comprehend the steps he's taking or the thoughts that are running through his head as he tries to find Alana in the giant reception hall. He sees a man who was meant to be a waiter by a corridor, who points to the right of him. Ben takes the chance and runs down the long corridor. Towards the end, he comes to a stop outside a door, where he hears muffled cries. Ben doesn't even bother knocking before letting himself in, because he knew it was Alana. He kneels down beside her and rubs her back soothingly. She looks up at him, her eyes full of tears.
"Ben, w-why'd you come find me?"
"That's what friends do." He whispers. "What's going on?"
⚠️️TRIGGER ⚠️️
"He's been abusing me for a month. He's been smoking weed almost every day, and he gets really angry when he does. He hits me and slaps me and he-" her voice soon reaches a whisper "he raped me one day. I didn't want to leave him because- because I love- loved him."
Ben's blood begins to boil and he has to resist every fiber of his being to not find Andrey and beat the absolute living fuck out of him. He looks out the window, where he can see Andrey still standing at the alter, taking to someone who Ben assumes to be his parents. He looks back down at Alana, and a look of horror's on her face. "Why do you look scared?"
"I have nowhere to go. I live with Andrey. I can't go back to my grandma, she's dead, my parents are dead, my family probably won't accept me, I don't want to live in Russia anymore. I need to leave, I need to get out. Where do I do? I don't have anywhere to go."
Before Ben can comprehend what he's saying, he says "you know, the offer to join me in Texas still stands.
Lana's eyes widen. "Really? Are you serious? You aren't mad at me or anything?"
Ben shakes his head. "Not anymore, I was, but then I realized it was stupid to be. You'll always be safe with me, you won't have to worry about him there."
"How will I get my stuff?"
"Don't worry about it, I'll figure that out."
Lana smiles, wrapping her arms around Ben. "Thank you so much, you don't know what this means to me. You're saving me, again."
"Anything for my little Lana."

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