Tag. Not Freeze Tag. Just Tag.

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Welp, I got tagged by somebody for the first time in forever! Yaaaaay!!! *insert confetti here*

So, I was tagged by SpicyKiwiWrites for this tag!

The tag is to name ten things that you love about yourself!

I believe that everybody has good things about them, even if they don't see it themselves! Dig deep guys, because sometimes even the smallest of quirks can be something to be proud of! And this is coming from a girl with almost no self-esteem, so abide by it! DIG DEEP!!!

Here are the rules:
1)Write ten things you like about yourself.
2) Don't say that you can't find anything, or that you have no great qualities, because you do!(I WILL FIGHT YOU OVER HOW AMAZING YOU ARE.)
3) If you see someone say something similar to what I said above, call them out! Tell them what you love about them!
4) Your traits can be either simple or drawn out, from words to paragraphs. Take all the space you need.
5)Tag as many people as you want!

Let's Begin!!!

1)  I am always thinking of new ideas for stories and such, and though I don't share all of them (because I know that I will never write them), I still have them all stacked in my mind, and I remember everything about them. (Such examples include a story about Vikk being a werewolf, or if the Pack had all become monsters too, just to name a few~) I know that really doesn't sound like a positive one, but I have a very hyperactive imagination, and I love it.

2) This is kind of like the first one, but even though my mind is essentially a huge giant clusterf***, I am great at remembering things, if they are things that I am particularly fond of.

3) I am really proud of the things that I create. Whether it be drawings, or my stories, my ideas, or even characters I created. I can feel a real sense of pride looking at my own work, and I will often make revisions to make them better, even though I still love them.

4) I usually don't like being still, and I like to always be moving in someway, whether it being bouncing my leg when I'm bored, or jumping all across my bedroom when ever I get excited  about something. I think that's a neat little minor quirk about myself.

5) When I start doing something, and I get really into it, I won't stop until I am finished. I have this weird sort of dedication to these sorts of things, like chapters on my stories or long missions in video games. There have actually been instances when I stay up so late working on a single drawing that I can hardly remember even doing it in the morning!

6) I obsess over the things I love, and I am never ashamed of it! My bedroom shelves have vinyl junk, manga, collectables, comic books, and DVD's up the the freaking YING-YANG. If you want to talk to me about something I am very informed about, like Doctor Who, Star Wars, Persona, or Youtubers, I can talk for hours, and hours, and hours... Basically, I'm a fangirl, and I love it!

7) I have long, really fluffy, kind of curly brown hair, and though it usually looks pretty tame when it is in a ponytail (almost literally 24/7), it still always look a little unkempt, no matter what I do with it. I love it though, because it makes me feel different from the girls at my school who always obsess over having perfect hair. The same is with my eyes, which are a kind of strange brown color. The only person I've met with the same color eyes as me is my younger brother.

8) I can read really, really fast, and I'll still be able to retain and register the information perfectly fine. I can usually finish a 300 page book in the course of one school day. I actually finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in nearly 8 hours, over the course of one night.

9) I think that I'm pretty good at video games (RPG's and 3D Platformers mainly). That may not be what I should be putting on this list, but I am proud of it nonetheless. I really like to dedicate myself to my games, and that's what I will spend most of my time doing if I have the spare time. Whenever I play two player games with either of my younger siblings, I usually win.

10) Finally, and this I feel is the most important one, is that I love the fact that I am different. As I said before, most girls that I know are usually fussing over their looks and boys and junk, and I am pretty sure that I am the opposite of that, but I am not really a tomboy either (I absolutely hate sports). I'm just a fangirl that really likes video games, art, anime, and Youtubers, and I feel like that really separates me from most people I know IRL. That's also why I love the people on Wattpad more than other people, but I'm not gonna get into that. XD

So, sorry about the really drawn out list, but now it's time for me to do the tags!

For this, I tag:


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