Incorrect NAHWC Quotes (ft. Vines)

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(Yup, I've got more. And a hell of a lot of these are vines.)

Pyrobolt: (investigating a robber's bag) Uh, Blue, what does a pregnancy test look like?

Blue Rose: Well it's like a thin piece of plastic with a thing on the end of it.

Pyrobolt: Oh okay, so this is a gun.

Blue Rose: Woah, yeah, please put that away-


Wild Time: Yeah, we were in a race once!

Iron Ram: Well, we called it a race, the police called it "resisting arrest".

Wild Time: They don't like it when they lose.


Double Diamond, on why he left the Sidemen: I am an adult, and I live with 5 other ADULTS. And one of them opened up MY bag of cereal and only stole THE TOY, then LEFT THE BAG OPEN. A whole ass adult opened up my bag of cereal and stole my toy. I am prepared for combat.



Prince: WTF are you talking about Blue?


Prince: Uh, Iron, I can sense someone being murdered about a block away-

Iron Ram: What do you mean murdered? That's illegal, people can't do that!


Double Diamond: Alright do the trick.

Wild Time: The trick?

Double Diamond: Yeah.

(Wild raises his phone. The start of the Kim Possible theme plays.)

Pyrobolt: *skidding into the room*


Pyrobolt: *rams into wall*


Prince: You ever want to talk about your emotions, Double?

Double Diamond: No.

Wild Time: I do!

Prince: I know Wild.

Wild Time: I'm sad.

Prince: I know Wild-


Iamanewbiewriter13 , like your fanart, in the world of incorrect quotes, they are the worst of rivals.

Wild Time: So how does it feel to be the worst superhero ever, huh?

Pyrobolt: Shut up your mom bought you Mega Blocks instead of LEGOs.

Wild Time: You fuckin' take that back-


Double Diamond, holding a picture of the Sidemen: And here we have the biggest fucking mistake I ever made in my entire life-


Wild Time: I saw you patrolling with Pyrobolt the other day...

Iron Ram: W-Wild it's not what you think-!

Wild Time: *raises bow* I WON'T HESITATE, BITCH


"Rob's banter was halted at the sound of a gun cocking behind him, and he slowly turned his head to see Giles, with a pistol aimed a foot away from his face."

*insert Seinfeld theme*


Pyrobolt: All right, the target is at the top of the building.

Pyrobolt: *nodding at the Prince, Double, and Blue* Looks like we'll have to use our powers to scale the building.

Iron & Wild: Or we could use the stairs-

Pyrobolt: What?

Iron & Wild: Nothing.


Double Diamond:


Prince: You might think you know everything I'm going to do, but that's not going to help you, since I know everything you're going to do! STRANGE, ISN'T IT?!




Pyrobolt, as Jon: *laughing hysterically* Jesus-

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