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Tyler's POV

I was happy when I was with Josh. He helped me manage my mental health just by being near me.

I got up from the couch and woke him up. I told him that we should go to my bed and sleep the rest of the night there. He agreed and we went.

We both laid our heads down and cuddled. I turned towards him and looked up at him and kissed him passionately. I loved this boy. Nothing would ever stop that.

He kissed me back roughly. I ran my fingers through his beautiful yellow hair. It felt amazing in my hands.

I sat up and so did Josh. I swung my leg over to the other side of him and kneeled in his lap. He took my shirt and threw it down, and I did the same for his.

He turned me over onto the bed and kissed me. I could feel him smile unto the kiss when he whispered "I love you."

We fell asleep snuggled together. God, this boy is mine and he's amazing.

We slept until 10 am. We got up and ate together. I hated Sundays. They were so depressing and my thoughts liked to creep in.

We watched supernatural until about 1 pm, and then I told Josh that I was going to go nap in my room. I went up to my room and laid down.

I slept for a good hour until I woke up with josh next to me. I turned over to look at the clock. It was 11:30.

I kissed Josh's nose softly and then fell back asleep.

I felt safe and with Josh. Nothing could get me if he was there.

A/N sorry another short ass chapter. They're just fillers right now to get to the good stuff.

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