The Basis of Life
In the grand scheme of things, we are small. Oh so small, compared to the vastness of the universe that surrounds us. The universe is vast, endless. Our lives amount not even to a speck when faced with this greatness. But life, in itself, is the greatest thing in the universe. In that way, we are the greatest, and the least. Us, ourselves, we are the smallest. But, those around us are the greatest. Two lovers, side by side. They are the center of each other's worlds. Only in this was, can we have meaning. Emotions, the basis of life. They fill us, fuel us, and drive us. There can be no intelligent, meaningful life without emotions. Even at the barest, most basic level, the primitive emotions, instincts, are still there. Emotions make up life, which in turn fills the universe. So our feelings are large enough to fill the endless expanse of space. So when one is able to influence the emotions of another, they become meaningful. Being able to touch, to manipulate and control, the center of the universe. This is why, when I am surrounded by others, I make sure to touch them, to learn about them. To be able to affect those around me, that is true power. Being able to affect the center of ones being, there is no greater gratification than seeing how you influence those around you. An emotion, a feeling, is not a solid thing. It moves quickly, fluidly, one blending into another. To be able to harness such things, this very basis of life, makes you a god in your own right,