Chapter 3: Waterparks, Pancakes, And New Friends

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  • Dedicated to BOTDF, BVB, Ronnie Radke, Jeffree Star, My BFF

I tried not to start panicking again as this emerald-eyed person stared at me. That stuff that they injected into Ronnie... It must have had something to do with the control over his body... I thought to myself as I back away slowly from this terrifying person. "Hey where are you going?" they said. "Who are you?" I asked, uncertain if I actually wanted to know. "I'm Hiroshima. I'm from the FBI. Ronnie here has been injected with a tracking device, and it now is going through his body. My last name is not information I can give you, but I can trust you with all the other information. And before you ask, I knew Ronnie was with you this whole time, and that's why I put the tracking device in him. I needed to ask you something but you tried to pin me down. I got out of trouble with the security guards by telling them why I was here. They believed me and I got off the hook. I needed to ask you who kidnapped you and why they chose you to stalk." Hiroshima replied. "Stalked? I don't recall him stalking me but... Oh my god that's so creepy! He was following me everywhere too?! Oh my god I think I should just... I don't even know. Please just, you know where we are now Hiroshima so can you please just help Ronnie and get that tracking device out of him?" I said with a slightly snooty tone. "No I'm afraid that I have not been completely honest with you, Alex. I'm not actually from the FBI, I'm from the Protection Agency. You are not in danger because of Mr. Radke here, you are in danger because you are the target we found most interesting. Target meaning for several different serial killers. You are on all of their lists. And no, they do not have literal lists. We just know that they are all aiming for you."

Hiroshima whispered something and Ronnie woke up. I immediatly ran over to him and helped him up. "Who's this, Alex? Hiroshima? Is that you?" Ronnie's beautiful smile started to spread across his face. Hiroshima bent down to fix the shoelace on his boots. "Yes it's me Ronnie. Though I have to say I'm surprised you're hanging out with Miss Krow, instead of your other friends. Ever since you quit the Agency all we ever saw you doing was hanging out with those idiots you call "friends"." I held back laughter as Ronnie gave a sarcastic smirk at Hiroshima. Hiroshima just laughed. "So you two know each other?" I politley asked. They both nodded and Ronnie said that they used to be partners at the Protection Agency. They arm hugged each other and talked for a little bit about Hiroshima following me. Ronnie looked at me with fear as Hiroshima explained to him what was going on. At that point I knew for sure, Ronnie did care about me. Ronnie, when Hiroshima stopped talking, ran over to me and hugged me so tightly I could barely breathe. "I won't let anyone hurt you, Alex Krow. And make that a promise. Because... Well, Alex, I care about you. And I care about you a lot." I blushed as he whispered those sweet words.

"Well if you two are going to have your own makeout session right here while I'm standing here, I guess I'll just go. And by the way, Ronnie, you have a tracking device flowing through your blood stream." Hiroshima said it all with a sarcastic tone, then jumped back out the window. Ronnie didn't even seem to care that he had a small computer in his blood. All he did was smile at me. Finally, I was tired yet again. I had fallen asleep on the bed and when I woke up, Ronnie was sound asleep, shoes, leather jacket, all his accessories still on, lying right next to me. For some reason, instead of screaming, or freaking out like I usually would in a time like this, I just layed my head back down on the soft, silk pillow, and fell back asleep. When I awoke the second time, I checked the clock and it appeared that we had slept until one in the afternoon. Ronnie opened his eyes slowly and blinked a few times. When he was fully awake, he screamed he was sorry and fell off of the bed. "Hey! It's okay! You didn't know, so it's okay, Ronnie." I tried to calm him down, and tried to convince him it was alright.

After he calmed down, Hiroshima jumped back through our window and bowed. He was wearing a neon green shirt, and black pants. I wondered why he wasn't dressed in all black like he did the first time I saw him. "I know what you're thinking, Miss Krow. I am wearing this apparel to try and make myself look like a normal everyday citizen." I held back my laughter, seeing this tall, serious man wearing such bright and colorful clothing. Ronnie didn't hold back on his laughing. Hiroshima looked embarrassed, which was the first time I actually saw him express some emotion. I tried to shush Ronnie, but he kept laughing. Finally, when Ronnie stopped laughing, Hiroshima, Ronnie, and I all went out to go get breakfast at Sill's. As we sat down, a blonde, tall girl about my age, sat down at the table next to us. With her, a tall man with black hair and blue eyes like me sat across from her. I looked at the tables next to them, and there were four other men that sat down and the blue eyed one laughed as the blonde girl told a joke about pancakes and scones. I could tell the blonde girl knew I was watching them because she introduced the men and herself. "Hi I'm Camille, and this is Jinxx, Jake, Christian or CC, Ashley, and Andy. What's your name?" She said, all with a smile on her face. "I'm Alex and this is Ronnie and Hiroshima." I knew that when she said Andy she meant the guy with the blue eyes. He smiled at Ronnie and they stood up and arm hugged. Camille and I both got confused looks on our faces.

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