Chapter 4: My Life Is Great

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His lips kept pressing against mine as we stood in the garden, his tongue slipping into my mouth. We had moved our way down from the balcony so we could "get a better view of the flowers". Ronnie "accidentally" tripped and fell on top of me, then continued kissing me. I pulled off his jacket and I felt his hands move down to my waist. He started pulling my dress off and I giggled silently as we continued...

The following morning, I woke up in the garden still, Ronnie's jacket over me. I blinked a few times before my vision was fully regained. I turned around, and saw Ronnie with his arms wrapped around me. I smiled and fell back asleep. One hour later, I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing. I picked it up, and looked at it. Squinting and waiting for my eyes to dilate, I read the name. "Camille", it read. Ronnie turned slightly and returned to his normal position. I pushed the Ignore button and laid my head back down.

A few seconds later, my phone rang again. This time, Dahvie was calling. I decided to answer. I sat up, and held the jacket up to keep from showing anything.


"Hi! Where are you guys?! We've been trying to call you all night!"

"Sorry, Dahvie. We were... Enjoying ourselves for the night."

"Heehee... I get you. Well have a wonderful and magical time!" Dahvie hung up.

Again, Ronnie shifted. I turned around so I was facing him, and closed my eyes. Awake for the third time, I felt Ronnie kiss my neck. I smiled and muttered, "Good morning, fiancé." I heard him chuckle slightly before responding. "Good morning, my beautiful fiancé." Just hearing those words made me ecstatic.

I grinned. "So where to? Dahvie wanted us to come over soon." He said yeah and we drove over to Jayy, Channary, and Dahvie's house.

Dahvie opened the door and before we could say hi, we heard Channary scream from upstairs.


He shouted back at her. "YOU ATE ALL OF IT ALREADY, SWEETHEART!"

Weird noises and annoyed growling noises followed the conversation. I looked at Ronnie, his eyes filled with confusion, fear, and more confusion.

"Sorry guys. Chan has been really moody because ya know. But Jayy has been moody too because Channary won't share any of the ice cream. So, I called you guys to help me take care of my wife and my creature."

With a smile, Dahvie escorted us to the top floor. Jayy was trying to get the ice cream from Channary by laying across her feet so she couldn't move. Channary started flailing and screaming for Jayy to get off. He licked her hand, grabbed the ice cream, and ran away. I laughed as Ronnie and Dahvie talked.

"Oh hell yeah! You did it! And both things, might I say! Heh heh!" Dahvie arm hugged Ronnie then gave him a creepy look. Dahvie then ran over to me and hugged me. "Oh I'm so happy for you! Boy you picked a beautiful one! She's so wonderful and unique! Alex, I hope you and Ronnie will be extremely happy together. Love you, baby girl!" Dahvie kissed two fingers and ran downstairs.

I looked at Ronnie and smiled. His smile reflected back to me, and he walked over and embraced me tightly. He then held my hand, and we walked outside to his car. We laughed as we heard Channary yelling at Jayy for the ice cream.

One week later, we all decided to throw a masquerade party in celebration for the birth of Legion and Blaze (soon to be Mitch), and the three marriages. Ronnie and I had found a gorgeous house by a small waterfall to move into. We moved in, and started planning the party. Camille walked into the living room with Blaze in her arms, followed by Andy with Legion in his. Dahvie helped a pregnant Channary onto the couch, as Jayy grabbed a beer and sat down on a chair.

"Does the old ballroom sound good to use? You know, the one by that gorgeous church?" I patted my lap, waiting for answers. Finally, with a bright and brilliant smile, Dahvie said, "I think it's a great idea." Everyone but Camille and Andy nodded in agreement. They glared at each other, then Camille turned and smiled at me.

"Excuse me, Alex. Will you hold Blaze for a moment? Andy and I need to talk." I stared blankly as she handed her son to me. Blaze hiccuped and smiled. As I giggled, Andy handed Ronnie Legion.

Ronnie bounced the adorable baby girl on his knee as the awkwardness rose. All of us were quiet as we listened to the couple yell and argue.

"I'm just trying to help our family, Andy! Why can't you accept that?"

"Because, Camille, you know that I doubt that someone is trying to hurt my wife and children. It's possible, yes, but is it happening right now? No! It isn't!"

Jayy cleared his throat and gestured for someone to go help. Of course, I was voted. I slowly marched over to the door. Knocking ever so slightly, I talked loud enough that everyone could hear me. "Hey guys? You alright in there?"

Camille flung the door ajar, her cheeks stained with tears. She embraced me and Andy stormed out of Ronnie and I's house.

With Andy stressed as hell, Camille depressed as shit, Ronnie and I confused as ever, and Channary, Jayy and Dahvie worried about Mitch being born unexpectedly, none of us were thinking straight. I can't believe we couldn't just sit back and be normal! But whatever, right?

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