What time is it? Dress hunt time! It's time to see what Channary and Jayy Von are doing for Channary's dress, shall we?
"I shouldn't have worn these boots! It's fucking hot!" Jayy complained as he sipped his iced coffee. Channary just rolled her eyes and put her eyeliner on. They were sitting in the car waiting for traffic to go. "You're fault for being a fashionista, Jayy-Jayy!" Channary laughed. Jayy gave her a shocked look. "Jayy-Jayy?! I haven't been called that in forever!" The two laughed and drove to an expensive dress shop.
A rainbow of dresses lined the walls and shelves. Traditional white dresses were in the very back and beautiful prom and ballroom dresses were closer to the front of the colossal building. Making a weird growling noise and laughing, Jayy sprinted to the red dresses. Channary walked over to him and looked at a poofy and sparkly dress. She shook her head at Jayy, he nodded. Finally, she saw a beautiful high-low dress with black accents. She knew that was her dress when she saw it. It was on a mannequin and a woman was fluffing out its ruffles. Channary made her way over and tapped on the lady's shoulder.
"Hi, uh, do you think I could try on this beautiful dress?" Channary asked politely.
"No, sorry. We don't let people try on display dresses. And we just sold out. I'm sorry, ma'am." She replied.
Channary and Jayy both let out a depressed sigh. Jayy lit up suddenly. "Alright, Chan-Chan. Let's go." He said as he pulled Channary outside.
"Jayy what are you doing? I want that dress!"
"We'll get it. Trust me, we will. Even if it means I have to kill someone."
Channary got a scared look on her face, then a devious one. She nodded and got in the car. They drove away and got food. Then the sneaky duo came back during closing time, and snuck to the back. They got in through the recently unlocked door, and got up to the computer which records credit card names. Jayy searched through it to find the name of the person who bought the last high-low. Channary found a receipt on the floor for a red high-low. "Jayy!" she whispered, "I found something!" She made sure today out of security camera view.
They searched the person who bought the dress when they got home. Dahvie was out getting his suit. The wedding was in a week, planned perfectly for two months after the proposal. "Dahlia Antoinette?! I hate that bitch! She's always trying to take Dahvie from me!" Channary grunted. "Yeah. I kinda knew that. She tried to get with me one time, bitch claimed to be a big fan but didn't even know I don't like va-jay-jay." Jayy snapped his fingers in a z formation and laughed. Channary kept a straight face.
"Jayy. Get your boots back on. We're taking a roadtrip to Dahlia's house."
Jayy let out a creepy growling noise and smiled. He ran and got his spiked boots on. Then, Channary sprinted, grabbed her keys, and ran out to her car. Jayy followed.
The two drove to Dahlia's mansion and banged on the door. "Who is it?! What do you want?! No paparazzi today, sorry!" Her voice was high and squeaky, with an odd bell-like tone to it. Channary rolled her eyes and Jayy groaned. Jayy shouted, "Hey yo NiggaCakes! We're here for my girl's dress!" Dahlia flung open the door and forced a smile. "Her dress? Whatever for, Jeremy?" She asked with a snooty tone. Jayy gave her an annoyed and angry look. "No one calls me Jeremy anymore. No one ever has, and no one ever will. So, BitchDick, give us the dress and we'll be on our way." Channary nodded and peered inside Dahlia's house. There it was, the beautiful dress she had longed for ever since a few hours ago! "Listen, Dahlia. My wedding is in a week, and I want that dress! So if you can just hand it over, I won't make Jayy eat you." Channary snapped. Dahlia's curiosity span grew wider.
"Who's the poor fool who chose to marry you, darling?" She smirked.
"For your information, it's that sexy beast Dahvie. He proposed a few months ago, and of course I said yes. He's mine now, and there's nothing you can do." Channary flipped her blue and black hair behind her shoulder.
Dahlia's green eyes looked like snake eyes as they stared randomly, deep in thought. She cleared her throat and spit her words out. "If it's for Dahvie's wedding, I'll help. Here's your dress..." All of the sudden, Dahlia threw a bucket of paint on the bright red dress. Jayy jumped back in surprise, and Channary covered her mouth with both hands.
"You can have it now, you whore!" Dahlia screamed like a banshee. Jayy cracked his neck and sighed. "It's a shame I had to do this. I was really hoping I could be good until after the wedding..." He lunged at Dahlia, pinning her to the ground. He nodded his head to Channary, and she went to the closet next to the dress. A second, perfectly unharmed dress was hanging up in a clothing bag. "We knew there were two dresses. After all, we are amazing actors. We just wanted you to ruin this dress so that we could take this one and you would have a paint covered mess. Thanks, Hun." Channary snickered and grabbed the good dress. Jayy got off of Dahlia and dusted off his shirt. He walked out with Channary, closing the door behind him. All they heard was Dahlia screaming like a child who just broke her toy.
Both content and tired, Channary and Jayy flopped onto Channary and Dahvie's bed. Dahvie walked through the door holding a bag of Chinese food in little boxes. He sat on the edge of the bed and smiled.
"So how are you my lovely Channary and wonderful Jayy?? Anything fun happen while you were dress shopping?" He asked cheerfully.
"No." Channary and Jayy said together.

Problems In Repeat
RomanceEighteen-year-old Alex Krow has been kidnapped and is need of help. Ronnie Radke (not the singer) finds her on the side of the road and offers a ride to the hospital after seeing her wounded arm. She takes the offer and the two become close friends...