Part Two

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Out of the hospital and back to the hotel again, Ronnie, Andy, Dahvie, Jayy Von, Camille and I, made our way back to the giant hotel Ronnie was staying at. Channary had gone back to Ireland, to visit her parents. Our problems had left, and we were fine. I had finally thought that we would be able to just be like normal friends. Go out and eat dinner at fancy places, go on double dates, and just have fun. But one day, when we were driving to Burger King, all of my plans of being a normal eighteen-year-old girl, got blown up by a giant bomb. Not literally. I soon started seeing things, like murders happening, yet all these people that I saw, were the serial killers. Each and every one of them, killing another person out on the side of the road.

I shrieked and Ronnie nearly smashed into the car next to us. "Ronnie those serial killers are outside! DO SOMETHING! QUICK! WHERE'S A GUN!?" I panicked and Ronnie grabbed my arm gently, and told me that no one was there. "Yes there is! They're all out on the side of the road! Killing everyone!" I thrashed and tried to get my seatbelt off, but Ronnie stopped me, and made Andy hold me down. "Alex what the hell are you talking about? There isn't anyone out there. Are you sure you got enough sleep last night?" Jayy Von asked me, obviously scared by my insanity. "Why won't you guys believe me? Are you all blind? WELL ARE YOU?!" Camille put her hands on her ears, and I could tell I was being very loud.

I just sat there the entire way to Burger King, thinking about why they hadn't seen them. When we got out of the car, I saw some people inside that I knew. I went to Weaver High School with them. They were all really kind and they were my best friends before I moved. Catherine was sitting with them. They saw me, waved, and smiled their wonderful smiles. I waved back and said to my little group, "I used to go to school with them," I paused and pointed to the guy on the very right, "That's Jak, and his sister Maileanna is sitting next to him." I moved over to the next girl, sitting next to Maileeana and Jak. "That's Madison, and her best friend McKenzie. Then the last one is my friend, Catherine, the one I lived with for a while. Come on, guys, let's go say hi." We walked inside and Dahvie was immediatly attracted to Maileeana. I can't say I blame him. She was very beautiful and she was kind and had a great laugh. We all sat together and ate our food.

"So Jak, you said you were in a band, too?" Andy asked, as he wiped some crumbs off his face. "Yeah I'm the drummer for my band. It's pretty fun, too. And hey you're in Black Veil Brides right? I love your music! So great and creative!" Jak and Andy arm hugged and Camille laughed with Maileeana. Catherine and I hugged each other and caught up on what we missed with each other. Apparently, Catherine had won several prizes for her knowledge in science. She always loved astronomy and she was kind of a book worm for it. Ronnie, Jayy and Dahvie talked to Madison and McKenzie about music and art. Madison wanted to be a makeup artist, and Jayy told her that he used to be one, and the two immediatly became best friends. When we finished eating, everyone exchanged numbers and everything else; instagrams, twitters, facebooks, even their addresses, and we left.

"Guys are you sure that you didn't see them? I think we should call the police about it." I nearly whispered when I talked, afraid that my friends would judge me about it. Everyone shook their heads, and I knew that I was going crazy. PTSD? No... MPD? No... Schizophrenia? No... I didn't know what it was that was making me see these things. I didn't like it at all. Not at all. I just wanted to get away from it. If it was possible to run away from my own eyes, trust me, I would.

That night, I crawled under the hotel bed and played Flappy Bird on my phone until I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was in a room, with nothing in it. It was completely white, and the walls were kind of fluffy and soft. "Am I in an asylum crazy person room?" I thought aloud. A miniature camera was in the top right corner of the room, and it turned to me, and someone with a loud, handsome voice called to me through it. "Yes, Ms. uh... Krow. You are in our safe room. You cannot hurt yourself or anyone else. We will bring you food and water and feed it to you. If you have any questions, please ask now." I let out a tiny squeak and layed on my side. "Alright Ms. Krow. Would you prefer me to call you Alex? I can say either for you." He turned off the microphone and I told him I'd like Alex.

"Alright, Alex, we're coming to give you breakfast now." I thought I was just going crazy or hallucinating. There was no way I was in an asylum! I heard myself let out a scream and it felt as though the entire building shook. I could hear Ronnie's sweet voice calling to me.

"Alex! Alex, you have to wake up! Come on Alex!"

I sat there, hands on my head, knees pulled up to my chin. I let out another scream, and one wall suddenly broke open, leaving shattered pieces everywhere. Ronnie ran through the wall and shook me back and forth. "Alex, wake up!" He said to me. My eyes shot open, and I saw Andy, Camille, Jayy Von, Ronnie, and Dahvie, all standing over me. I was on the floor, and my body was colder than a stone wall.

"Are you okay?" Camille put her warm hand on my forehead.

"You were thrashing like you were being murdered." Andy helped me up and patted my back.

"What happened in that dream you were having?" Dahvie flipped his bangs out of his eyes.

"I... I don't really know. I think I was in an asylum, but I wasn't sure. They told me I was in their "Crazy Room" or whatever. I think I just need to lie down for a while. That was pretty crazy." On the outside, I was cheerful and happy. But on the inside, I was confused and terrified. My friends didn't say anything, just glanced at me and each other. They all looked at me with the same feeling in their eyes. I could tell that they knew I was completely insane. I can't say I blame them. After all, I wasn't sure myself if I was going crazy or not.

After a few minutes of awkward glancing and chuckling, we left and went to eat breakfast at IHOP. Dahvie showed me his newest tattoos and why he got them on the way there. They were all beautiful and the art was amazing. When we got there, I blacked out and collapsed. While I was passed out, I saw a man. He was about as tall as Jayy, and he had black hair, bright green eyes, a Davey Suicide hoodie, and black pants on, He was standing in front of what seemed to be his car, and he was trying to unlock the door. He was very calm. He dropped his keys, and bent to pick them up, when a man with a golden desert eagle pistol ran up to him, and shot him in the back of the head.

I awoke, screaming and crying. Ronnie held my head to his chest, and had his arms wrapped around me. I could barely breathe, and I couldn't stop thinking about that man and the bullet going through his head. Ronnie kissed my forehead, and told me to calm down.

"Ronnie... A man... He's going to die... You want the details, huh? Well... An innocent man is going to get shot through the back of the head at 5:00 tonight." Everyone in IHOP stood still, looking at me, eyes wide, jaws dropped, confused and mortified. "Alex are you okay? You seem like you're not in your right mind." Jayy bent over and put his hand on my shoulder. "We'll take you to the hospital if you want. Just to check your brain out or something." I shook my head and checked my phone. 9:00 am, huh? We should go to the mall just to make sure nothing happens. I thought to myself.

"Come on, guys. We're going to the mall for a while. No questions, let's just go." I took Ronnie's hand and gestured to the door. Everyone watched me and Ronnie walk out, our friends following. No one said anything in the car until we got to the mall. Ronnie cleared his throat and looked at me.

"So, Alex. Are you sure you're okay? If anything bothers you," Ronnie smiled and put his hand on mine. "I'll be there for you." Andy pulled himself up between me and Ronnie's seats. "Come on, LoveBirds! Let's go check out Hot Topic!" He laughed and everyone of us jumped out of the car and raced to the doors. I spent all my time looking for that man in my dream. Ronnie could tell that I wasn't feeling well, so he took my hand and pulled me into Hot Topic. There we saw Andy checking out his own shirts, Camille looking at Falling In Reverse, Pierce the Veil, and Sleeping With Sirens shirts, and Jayy Von and Dahvie were asking a beautiful female cashier where the Blood On The Dance Floor merchandise was.

I smiled at our friends, but stopped when I saw the man in my dream. He had his Davey Suicide hoodie on, and his eyes were amazing in the colorful lights. I slowly made my way to him, not trying to creep him out. I finally got to him, when I saw a man outside the store, running around with a tazer.

My fear was worse than it had ever been.

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