Chapter 2: Happiness Does Exist For Us

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After Channary and Dahvie's wedding, we were all tired from dancing all night, so we headed back to their house for drinks. Finally... Our lives were normal! We were all happy and we had each other to celebrate with. Happiness finally found us... It was all weird, but I was glad it had finally lightened up for us. Almost dying all those times seemed kind of funny now, and I had all my new family to share those memories with. I looked over to the kitchen where I saw all the men chugging beer and laughing. All the girls sat at the table looking at each others rings and talking about how happy we all were.

Camille stood and said, "Please excuse me." Then she walked over to the bathroom. She was in there for at least ten minutes when she finally ran out and hugged Andy. "Whoa, you alright there?" Andy said and sipped his beer. Camille pulled him outside and Ronnie and I peered out the window to watch quietly. Suddenly, Andy picked Camille up and hugged her tightly. I looked up at Ronnie, he just shrugged.

They held hands and walked back inside. "Everyone, if we could have your attention please!" Andy smiled. "We would like you all to know... That Camille is pregnant!" Camille closed her eyes and smiled. All the girls squealed happily as the boys clapped and congratulated Andy. Ronnie took me outside onto the balcony and we stared into each others eyes while holding hands.

"Alex, I want you to know that my life has been crazy since you showed up, and I love you for making my life better." Ronnie smiled that adorable smile of his. I blushed. "Ronnie, I'm glad you feel that way. Ever since you picked me up that day, I've been madly in love with you. I'm so happy that I get to spend my life with you." We both smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips struck together and we held each other tightly. Ronnie leaned forward and kissed me again. I kissed back, and Ronnie held me close. I leaned my head on his shoulder and we listened to the cheering and drinking downstairs. He laid on the balcony's floor, and I laid next to him. Gently, he wrapped his arms around me, and we fell asleep.

The next morning, we woke up in the Black Veil Brides tour bus. I yawned and Ronnie turned. I sat up and looked around. No one else was on the bus. "Ronnie, wake up." I said as I nudged him gently. Making upset and tired moaning noises, Ronnie sat up. Stretching and yawning, he stood up and kissed my forehead. "Where is everyone?" Ronnie asked as I took out my phone. I turned it on and shrugged. The bright screen read:

Twelve new messages from:

Andy (3)

Camille (2)


Dahvie the Deviant

Jayy Von Sexy


CC (3)

"Well they all texted me so I'll check it out." I said as I walked to the bathroom and grabbed my makeup. Ronnie nodded and we walked outside. I checked my texts as we walked to Jayy Von and Dahvie's house.

Andy: Where R U guys??? Andy Text 2: C'mon Alex, you're missing a lot! Andy Text 3: :,(

Camille: Hey! Camille Text 2: Where are you?

Channary: You guys are really missing out!

Dahvie The Deviant: Make sure 2 use a condom! THINK ABOUT UR FUTURE KIDS!

Jayy Von Sexy: Yo gurl where u at?

Ashley: Remember the condom, okie? ;)

CC: I'm really bored here... CC Text 2: I wish u were here :)! CC Text 3: Where U at?

I replied to Andy first. "What do u mean? U guys left us!" I typed. Ronnie knocked on the door and Dahvie opened it. "Finally! You guys really need to learn how to wake up. We tried everything! Come on! We're watching the news. Apparently people are building more houses for the homeless, so we're all getting ready to go help." Dahvie let us in. "Psst! Alex! You used the condom, right?" Ashley whispered to me. I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

After helping with the houses, we all went out to eat at a Golden Corral. There, we saw Toby and some of his friends. He laughed, turned, and waved to us. We went and said hi, then sat at the table next to them. Chatting and laughing went on for a while between all of us until Toby and his friends had to leave to catch a movie.

"See you guys later!" Toby fist bumped all the guys and hugged all the girls. I walked over to the salad table with Camille while Ronnie and Andy talked with Dahvie and Jayy. Channary soon joined us at the salad table when she came back out of the bathroom.

"So, Alex. You think Ronnie will propose soon?" Camille gave me a fangirl look as she said this. I just shrugged and acted calmly, but on the inside I was having my own fantasy about him proposing. I smiled at myself. Thinking it would take my mind off of it, I turned and looked at the boys. Laughing and smiling was all they were doing. I chuckled to myself as I watched Jayy tried to chug a Monster. When he finished, all he did was laugh.

I love my friends. They're practically the only family I have. And Ronnie... He was more of a dream come true.

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