Chapter 5: So Long And Goodnight...

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My white and black ballgown flew behind me like a wind was blowing by the ocean. I searched for Channary and Dahvie, making sure they were ready for the party. I took my mask off as their car pulled up at the front. They stepped out, Jayy following close behind.

Guests started piling in as Ronnie and Andy hugged each other. I walked over to them as Ronnie said, "Don't worry, Andy. No one is coming to get you guys. Camille and your kids will be fine. You'll be fine. Act like this is a normal party,"

I kissed Ronnie's cheek as Andy gave us a caring smile. Andy and I hugged and he went over to Camille, who was talking to Channary and Dahvie while they held her children. One man caught my eye.

His piercing grey eyes and blonde hair made him look as though he were a god. He stopped talking to a woman with a bird mask on, and walked over to me. He took my hand and kissed it, then I pushed him backwards gently. "Excuse me," I said. "I have to go." Taking my hand, he pulled me towards him.

"May I at least have one dance, my beautiful lady? Oh, where are my manners! My name is Josh. And you are?"

With hesitation, I answered. "Alexandria Krow. Soon to be Alexandria Radke. My fiancé and I are very happy." Grin across his face, Josh pulled me to the middle of the ballroom, the center of where everyone was dancing. Ronnie looked over from his drink and his eyes grew wide.

He made his way over to us, dancing by himself through the crowd. He pulled me away from Josh, and danced with me. I giggled and stared into his bright, beautiful eyes. Josh pulled me back and this went on for about half an hour. I was completely tired out from being pulled back and forth and danced with for so long. I excused myself to the restroom. Off my heels went, along with my mask. I pulled out my mascara and eyeliner, applied one more layer, then another layer of blood red lipstick.

When I came out, Josh and Andy were talking. I smiled as I watched Andy laugh. It was good to see him happy after all that fighting. Camille was so worried about someone coming to kill her and her family. How crazy! Everything is fine.

Jayy was in his black suit and spiked bow tie again. As he danced across the floor, girls and boys started singing Blood On The Dance Floor songs for him. Dahvie soon joined him, along with Toby, Andy, and Ronnie. Us girls stayed behind to watch. Clapping and laughing at our friends, Channary, Camille and I all went to get drinks. When they were done dancing, the men came over and shared a drink with us.

Josh soon came over an gave us all a seductive and idiotic look. Our masks made us all look like birds and warriors from Legion Of The Black. Dahvie rolled his eyes at Josh, Jayy copying. Andy kissed Legion's forehead and Josh's expression changed. I couldn't tell whether is was anger or sadness, or both even, but I knew those were the possibilities. Then it changed back to a fake smile. I saw right through it. His British accent was probably fake, too. "Andy, may I speak with you? It'll only take a moment." Camille shot Josh an odd look as he spoke. A suspecting feeling shot through me. I wiped it away, though.

Andy and Josh walked away. Ronnie, with the same look on his face as me, followed them silently.

I went about my business.

Until I heard three gunshots.

Everyone screamed and ran out of the room. The only people I didn't see leave were, Camille, Ronnie, Andy, and Josh. Dahvie and Toby ran Legion and Blaze out to Jayy, Channary, and Dahvie's car to keep them safe. I felt my legs running over to Ronnie. Laying on the ground, bloody, Ronnie sat, unmoving.

"RONNIE!" I screamed so loudly I heard a glass break. I kneeled next to him, and shook him, trying to wake him up. "Ronnie! Don't leave me! Baby get up! Ronnie, please! This isn't funny!" I felt rivers of tears fall down my face as I stared at his body. Finally, I rose, and stared at the person who was holding the gun. Josh.

Dahvie then appeared behind Josh. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!" Dahvie punched Josh onto the floor, then kicked the gun over to me. He pinned him down and punched him three times. Jayy then walked over and kicked Josh. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, NIGGA!" he shouted as he glared at Josh.

Andy's tears never seemed to stop, nor did mine. Camille and Toby tried to comfort us as Jayy and Dahvie talked to the police. "Andy. . . Why'd he shoot him. . .?" My voice cracked and shook as I talked. Andy kept mumbling, "It's all my fault. It's all my fault. He was going to kill me. . . Ronnie was there to protect me. . . I'll never forget this, Ronnie. I never will. I love you brother." Andy spoke towards the ceiling. My tears slowed as CC, Jinxx, Jake, and Ashley arrived on the scene. They all had to go to Jinxx's violin recital thing with Lindsey Stirling. CC covered his mouth and Ashley covered his face completely, not letting any of us see him cry. Jake blinked with tearful eyes and disbelief. Jinxx talked to Andy and comforted him. CC hugged me tightly and then wrapped his jacket around me.


"What is it, CC?"

"You have to remember that he loves you. And that he wants you to be happy. Forever, alright? And remember that all of us are the same." CC's words made me happier. I cried onto his shoulder as Ronnie's body was pulled away in an ambulance.

I love you, Ronnie. I thought to myself as everyone started leaving. CC stayed with me at the ballroom all night. It was nice to know that I still had someone.

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