Chapter 8: This Weird Feeling

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Chapter 8: This Weird Feeling

[Will edit this if time permits but I'm mostly lazy and don't have time. :) 
Author's note: A part of the story got lost on the last chapter and I am doing my best to recover it. For the meantime I'm sorry for the lack of context for the start of the chapter]

Fufufufufufufufufufufu fuck!

I immediately parted our lips and rolled sideway to avoid further accident. And also for the reason that I am becoming a weight on his chest.

He didn't react. Good thing he's on his delirious state. (Or else my dead body would now be floating on River Lixa.)

I inhaled and exhaled trying to gain back my composure. Okay. He will not remember that. Please Lord don't make him remember that. He might think that I have a hidden desire for him. (Which is actually 10% true but for now I'll keep on admiring Mattheo Guasconti.)

After I became calm, I again started to try and lift Greg up. I removed my red coat and it was really a big help that I finally managed to make him lean on his back. Fucking finally!


I'm not actually sure if I would really  do this but I don't want to waste all my effort in lifting him.

My hands are now on the hem of his shirt. 1. 2. Hup! And again it's no use.

Crap. I need to lift his arms. But how can I lift his both arms and remove his shirt at the same time? Gah! This was a mistake. I need to make him lie on the bed one more time. I literally want to hit myself hard on the head for my stupid idea.

I walked on the opposite side of the bed and dragged both his foot to my side. When he was on his lying position, I went back to his side and stretched out his both arms.

"God you're so hot." I mumbled out of the blue. Ooops. I didn't mean that in a creepy lustful or superficial way. It's just that his skin was burning from the fever.

This is it. Time slowed down as I remove his shirt. This is so uncomfortable.

Woah. Oh la la. My mouth suddenly opened as his shirtless body came into view.

Snap out of it James! I slapped myself on both sides to stop myself from lusting over the devil.

Deym. His body was toned. Broad chest... Plus a six pack abs and a V line. Uhhhm. Admiring another body is normal right? I mean it's alright, right?

Before thinking of other malicious things, I grabbed the towel I got a while ago and started to wipe his sweat covered body. My hands began to shiver as the cloth paraded his body. My god. Gymnastics means naked art but I think Prince Gregory deserved that definition right now. It's like his body was literally sculpted by all the greatest artists in the world.

Guard damn it! I'm getting jealous of his perfect physique. I intentionally let my fingers run into his body. Deym it's really hard. I think muscles are awesome. I'm sure you'll agree with me.

I snatched the new shirt beside me and slipped it to him in an instant. I should be like Jesus on the desert. I should probably stay away from temptations.

After that challenging task I can now finally breathe normally. Damn him for making me feel this way. If I also had a perfect body I swear every girls in town will submit theirselves to me. Oh how I wish.

So what now?


I was awakened by the creaking sound of the door. Apparently I fell asleep from too much boredom. Somebody was bringing some food.

"Is that for me?" I asked the maid.

"Yes. And also for the prince." She replied.

"Wait. How can the prince eat in that state?"  I pointed now to Greg who is now in his vegetative state.

"You'll feed him." She answered simply. Oh great. I thought the food was only for me.

The maid went out of the room and I was left enjoying my lunch. Mr. Stone is a good cook no doubt but his good service is exclusively for the Royal Family. Pfft. Snobs.

"Oi. Wake up." I slapped the prince's face when he woke up. The medicine's effect expires after 4 hours so that means he's conscious now.

"Huh?" He was groggy (but still hot) Hot from fever of course.

"It's time to eat." I supported him in sitting up. He tried to grab the spoon from the tray but failed miserably.

"Here let me help you." I went to his side and took the spoon from his shivering hand. "Say aaa."

"This is awkward." He said, not opening his mouth.

"Not unless you want to die." I replied making him open his mouth but with a scowl on the side.

"Do you remember something strange that happened a while ago?" I asked while spoonfeeding him.

"No. Why?" He replied after he swallowed the broth I fed him.

"Nothing. It means the medicine's working."


"Nothing. Nothing." I took a spoonful of vegetables and shove it in his mouth before interrogating me further.

After he's done eating I gave him his medicines and a glass of water. 
"Thanks." He said. Huh? The arrogant prince is thanking me for handing him a glass of water?
"Okay." I just replied.

"I mean, thank you for saving my life." He said sounding and looking sincere. He was blushing, I don't know if that's the effect of the drugs, but he was scratching the back of his neck like he was embarrassed.

"Oh that. Ehehe. Yeah yeah. You're welcome. Ehehehehe." I laughed awkwardly. I somehow find him cute with all those quirks. Gah! Why is he acting weird? No. I'm the weird one! I...I... I think I'm having a heart attack!

"Are you alright?" He asked me. No. I don't think so and it's your fault!

"Yeah. I'm alright. How about you? Oh wait, Don't answer that. Of course you're not. God I'm talking too much.  You better go back to sleep." I tucked him in bed and I just want to facepalm myself for blabbering too much. It's the only way to channel out this.weird feelings.  This weird feelings that Prince Greg have caused somehow.

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