Chapter 36: Everything Will Come to an End

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Chapter 36: Everything will come to an end

A/N: This is not the final chapter.

The next few days, the prince and I were acting casual to each other. I did my best to avoid him and the only time that he would talk to me is when he requires something that he really needs. Starting that night, I always made sure that the door to my room is closed but we all know that he has this 'Royal Key' which can open any door in the palace; that's why I used a chair to block the door. I don't want him entering into my room again.

The tension between us was even noticed by the King because he asked us if everything's alright to which we answered Yes and No at the same time. The King ignored that but Greg and I exchanged funny looks with each other.

I thought that  was the end of it not until he cornered me after dinner. "Just what do you think you're doing?" Greg asked me once he found the chance to talk to me privately. He pulled my arm when nobody's looking and now he has me someplace where no one bothers to stray.

"What are you doing?" I returned the question back.

"You're treating me like a total stranger!" he hissed.

 I pulled my arm back. "I thought that was the plan? To go on our separate ways."

His stare intensified. "I don't like what you're saying."

"Can't you see? This is all a big mistake!" Wow. I believe that was a lyric to some song but anyway, Greg was turning into his annoyed face more and more.

"What if I tell you I've got a plan?" he said and bit his lip. I knew for sure that his plan would take a lot of risk. Simply a product of desperation.

"No." I declined before even hearing his plan.

I tried to leave but he placed me back in the corner. "What if I told you that I can get enough money for us and so that we can run away?"

"No." I repeated.

He moved closer. I thought he would kiss me but just he whispered something to me."I know you want to be with me." The extreme closeness is tearing down every wall of restraint I built for the past few days. Damn it, I feel the need to kiss him. I closed my eyes and calmed myself.  No. He's still the person you know. Confident as a peacock. You hated him remember?

"No. I don't." I murmured, almost a whisper.

"You want to. You're just scared and selfish!" 

His words gave me the strength to push him. 

"So what? Yes. I admit I'm scared. Scared for my life and also yours." he stepped backed a little when I pointed at him with my finger. "What we're doing is completely illegal! Of course it's normal to be scared. Who wouldn't? When the punishment is literally death."

I started sobbing but I tried my best to give my message in between convulsive gasps. "But don't you ever call me selfish because I also think about my family. Running away means I'll never see them again and for what? Because I have feelings for another person? Do you think running away and never seeing them again for love is worth it?" 

I stared at him but he didn't gave an answer.

 "And you. You have a bigger role to accomplish. The kingdom needs you now more than ever. You are well aware that we're fighting a war now. You were taught to run the kingdom the moment you were born. Your kingdom needs a leader and it happens to be that you are the next in line in case something happens to the king. And what happens if nobody succeeds the king?Because honestly I think that's selfish." I can feel myself trembling in anger. He was staring at me with rage to which I also returned the favor.

"Look. Trust me, I am doing everything I can to find every accomplices of Mr. Williams. Thanks to your help we already caught the leader, the only thing we needed to do is to take down the rebel's confederacy. If you're worried about your family then we'll find a way to regularly see them." He managed to say after a minute of silence.

He held my shoulders but with affection this time. "Please?" he begged. "It's not so difficult and complicated like you might think. You got me. And I got you." he held my hand and the way he assured me that everything will be alright somehow calmed the storm that's brewing on my mind.

"What will happen to them once I'm gone? Someone would be required to continue the Sorbea Perpetua. I took this job because of them."

"That's why we'll make it look like we were assassinated. We'll take the carriage and then leave it somewhere where somebody will find it. Let's make it look like there was a sign of struggle. Bullet holes maybe some blood—"

"That's not gonna work."

I felt him touch my cheek and directed my eyes to his. "Trust me. It's gonna work. A lot of people have attempted to end my life. Only this time it may look like they succeeded. And don't you worry about your father, if you were killed too then that ends the agreement. No one would be required to continue the service."

"But without a body, how are you certain that they would stop looking for us?" I murmured.

I look down. I don't know what to say. Is it really worth it? I have so many questions in my head. What if they will think that I killed the prince myself and ran away? What if somebody will caught us? And the lists goes on.

"Greg... Gregory..." I started to look up and I saw him look at me with pleading eyes. "We're young. What if we saw someone else along the way?"

"You don't know that."

"But it's a possibility. We still don't know each other."

"That's why we'll take the risk."

"And I'm done taking risks. All I want in life is tranquility. Peace and certainty." I shifted my gaze because I can no longer bear to look at him disappointed. "Have you ever thought that maybe if we run away we'll regret it sooner or later? Then what happens to us? We're risking everything we have. At least be rational about it."

He was staring at me intently, I can feel that but I didn't have the guts to face him. Minutes have passed and he no longer uttered a single word until he stepped aside, turning his back away from me.

"If you think that we'll never find happiness then I think you're right, our story ends here. For me personally I see myself being with you until the end. Sadly we are not on the same side."

I feel like a bucket of cold water was thrown to me. A part of me wanted to retract what I just said but then I just kept my mouth shut.

"Goodbye James. Tomorrow I will be requesting for a new Gardein. I do not wish to see you anymore."

Greg disappeared and I was left alone. Loneliness started to grow with the realization that we would not be seeing each other anymore. Tears started to fall but what can I do? I'm imprisoned by my own doubts. I know I made my decision but why do I feel like a part of me has been taken away? I did the right thing but why does it hurt so bad?

We fell in love in a short span of time. Surely, regret will come soon and I don't want that.

Besides, honor before everything else... Right?

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