Chapter 9: In Good Terms

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Chapter 9: In Good Terms

"If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing in the forrest that night?" I was seated in front of Prince Gregory. It was already noon and we are eating our lunch.

"It's none of your business." He replied bored. I liked him better when he was sickly and delirious. He was having more emotions then compared to now. 

"Wow. Technically it's my business. I need to know the reason why I'm protecting you."

"I don't need you to protect me."

"Bwahahahahaha!" I bursted into laughter. He's freakin' hilarious! I only stopped laughing when I saw him in his usual pokerface. "I'm sorry, what was that again? I remembered
something about rescuing your ass a week ago."

"Tsss. Why would I even trust someone like you?" He replied distrustfully. Look at him. Look at him with his arrogance and lordliness.  A week ago he was thanking me for saving his life with his flushed face, now he was transformed again into Prince Douchebag.

"Uhhm. From what I remember..." I faked cough. " I saved your life. Duh."

He squinted at me for a minute before deciding to respond. "Tsss. Open my drawer." 

"Are you serious right now?" I asked, my eyes squinting too at his command. I'm not sure if this was one of his tactic to avoid the topic.

"That depends if you want to know the reason why I was attacked." He shot back.

"Fine." I surrendered. "What compartment?" I stood up in search for 'the secret'.

"That's my closet you peasant. I meant the drawer of my bedside table." Yup. Prince Douchebag is totally back in business.

"I'm sorry your highness, but if you would've told me that a while ago, then I should not be here looking in your closet." I emphasized his sobriquet. How dare he call me a peasant?

"It's not my fault you didn't ask. Any sane person knows the difference between a closet and a drawer." He declared.

"Wow. That's so stupid! Plato should kill himself." I opened his magic drawer only to find a key. "This is it? That's the secret?"

"For a person that's not a member of the commoners, It's not just an ordinary key. This key is one of our great invention. It's called the Royal Key." he paused for what I think is an attempt to gain a reaction from me. "All the locks in the palace needs their individual keys, but with this key, it can open anything!" he continued when I didn't seem to be impressed.

"Can it open your mind?"
"No. But it can open the torture chamber below." He retorted.

I inspected the key. It was no doubt made from gold designed with a crown on the handle. I'm more impressed on the locks which can be opened by two separate keys.

"Kidding aside, if they want the key, off all the places here, why the forest?"

"We were ambushed on our way back to the palace. I managed to slip out and use the hidden door from the wall but they soon followed me." He replied casually. It's like he didn't even care that someone died that night. His Royal Guard that was supposed to be his friend for that matter.

"You mean, there's a hidden door somewhere on the wall?" 

"Yes. But a peasant like you shall not find it. Escaping from the palace entails a severe punishment to anyone who tries." He snatched the key back from my hand and secured it on his pocket.

"Why would I even try to steal that key just because I am sick of your aristocracy Your Highness?"

"Cause this key protects the only lock that can only be opened by the one who holds the Royal Key. Only the King, Queen and the Prince have it. A destitute like you who always attempt to steal in order to snitch some gold and money from the palace's treasury." How haughty of him to call me and accuse those things. If I would ever want to steal it, it would be to use it as a means to escape from his annoying face.

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