Chapter 24: Dancing with the Devil

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Chapter 24: Dancing with the Devil

And so it continues... The bride hunting of Prince Gregory. I don't mind the awful lack of awesomeness in this party because believe it or not, Greg have given me the permission to stay with my family and enjoy the party.

"What a charming boy is he?" My mother commented and pointed at the prince.

"Ma, stop pointing at him!" I warned her when I saw the prince looking at us.

"Oh I'm sorry. Hihihi. Any lady would be lucky to marry that kind, courteous prince."

"Really? Him?" I asked sarcastically.  If only they knew what a jerk he is.

"Why? What's wrong with him?" My mother defended. Basically, a lot of things is wrong with him. "Did you know that when he came to our house yesterday, he said that he wants us to come here so that you'll be happy. He really cares for you you know."

"Wait I think I'm gonna barf." I said with sarcasm. What my mother had said is just impossible. It's too cheesy, I don't think the prince could even utter those words.

"You are too mean James Porter Inkwell. I didn't raise you to be rude especially to the prince." My mother actually scolded me by telling the truth.

"Fine. But you should also take into consideration that he made me throw my things away just this morning."

"I'm sorry what? Can you repeat that please." My mother requested as if he didn't hear what I just said.

"I said..." I turned around to see what caught my mother's attention.

"You said what?" The prince asked cunningly. I dropped my spoon in surprise. What the heck is he doing in our table?

I gulped before telling another lie. "I said, the food is quite exquisite here. Mr. Stone outdid himself this time." I faked a smile and acted that I really like the food.

"I'm sure you do." He looked into my eyes and that made me wanna curl up around the corner. He knows.

"So what brings you here Your Higness?" My father asked him.

"I just wanted to know if everything's fine." He replied diplomatically.

"Everything's fine Your Higness. We thank you for your kindness." And there goes my mother again.

"It's my pleasure madam." Greg answered and kissed the hand of my mother goodbye. My mother smiled widely and she sure felt giddy. I can't believe she actually adores him.

"Oh mother please."


The ball was finally done.
Lady Valerie from Bakersville was chosen as the second favēre. The ballroom is now empty except for the two of us here. Prince Gregory said he dropped something here and I had to accompany him.

The room is somewhat dark since the lights are off and the moonlight that's passing through the window helps in illuminating the room.

I heard his footsteps and I turned around to face him.

"So did you find what you're looking for?" I asked. He showed me his royal ring and instead of calling me to get out of the room, he sat down on the vacant chair in front of me.

"I didn't see you dance." He mentioned out of the blue.

"I can't and I don't want to. Can we go now?" I can't believe I'm wasting my precious sleep time with this.

"You mean nobody wants to dance with you." He replied sarcastically.

"Yeah. You can put it that way. Look I'm really sleepy right now."

"Did you even know how to dance?" He asked.

"No. No I don't. I don't really have the time to do those things." Then I remembered again what our life was before in Sardona. It was just horrible.

"What's with your hand?" I inquired as a joke. He was extending his hand to me like he was actually asking me for a dance. There is no way that would even happen.

"Dance with me."

"I'm sorry what?" I chuckled. He's not really serious, or is he?

"Come on. I'll teach you the basics of social dancing." He replied.

"Uhhmm. I'm not sure about that." I narrowed my eyes in doubt.

"And why is that?" He asked as if nothing was wrong with his proposition.

"You're a guy. I'm a guy. It's awkward. Really, really awkward Your Highness." And I still kinda hate you.

"What nonsense. One of this days you'll be needing to dance with one of the ladies."

"Ugh. Fine." I took his hand in surrender. "Let's get this over with then we'll sleep."

"Are you saying that we should sleep together?" He questioned while wiggling his eyebrows.

"That's not what I meant!" I lightly boxed his shoulder because I remembered that unfortunate morning. "Whatever, just teach me the basics and be done with it."

He positioned my arms on his shoulder while he held my other hand and wrapped his other hand around my waist.

"Wait a minute... Why do I have to be the girl?" I inquired as the realization hit me.

"Well somebody's gotta lead." I felt like I was tricked because of the smirk on his face.

It was getting uncomfortable since our body was closer than ever.

"Just follow my lead." He commanded and I just followed through the rhythm of his movements. I looked upon his gorgeous face that is now highlighted by the moonlight. As I become aware of the warmth of his touch, I can feel the familiar emotion that I felt during that night.
I became uneasy. The beast inside my chest is now awake and it feels like it wants to claw his way out.

We didn't utter a single word yet it feels like we understand each other. His stare is making me quiver at the same time euphoric.

It must be in the spur of the moment that he pulled me closer and my hand is already on his nape.

What exactly are we doing?

I averted my gaze and it ultimately made me lean over his chest. It just felt right. My eyes widened with the sudden realization that entered my thoughts.

No. No. No. No. No. This is not right. I removed my hands on him and distanced my body away from him.

"Uhm. I think that's enough. We probably go now." I faced the opposite direction and headed for the door.

"Good night Your Highness." I mumbled before opening the door.

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