The End

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A/N: Quick question. Why does everyone thinks I'm writing some tragedy. This is comedy yo! I'm quite entertained reading all your comments in the last chapter.


I was reading some of the charter laws so that I can know what happens to me in case Gregory will fire me as his official Gardein when I heard a knock on the door. I removed the chair leaning on the doorknob and opened the door. I was surprised to see that it was Prince Gregory.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He handed me an old leather bound book. "I found it on out private library. Um. I thought you should read it."

I stared at the book. Nothing looks particularly special about it. It was covered in black plain leather and there was no symbol or title engraved on the cover of it. "Why?"

"It was written by one of our great king. It was his memoir and he wrote it just before he died."

I reluctantly took the book. Why would Gregory give a a memoir written by a dying king?

"I want you to know that I'm ready to go with the plan. I will be waiting for you until midnight and if I won't find you standing outside my door, I want you to know that I'll understand." he said and walked away toward his room.

I closed the door and took the book to my desk. Why would Greg want me to read this? I uncoiled the strap of what looks to be a personal journal.

The Story of Chesterheimr

Written by: King Chester I

The caligraphed title was obviously added later on since it looks modern than the rest of the pages. King Chester? Interesting. He was the great king who unified the kingdom during the first one. He basically named the kingdom in reverence to his name.

I carefully turned to the next page.

A lot of people think that I have named the kingdom under my name. They are not entirely wrong about that. But what people seems to have forgotten is that it was a combination of two names. Chester and Heimr. The latter name sounds odd but it was his name. Heimr was my guardian. Before he was appointed to become my Gardein, he was a slave, captured in the town called Dropton.

I continued on reading the journal until I reached the final page.

The story was beautiful I cried after reading it. The way it was written and the way it ended touched tugged my heart into embracing love. I didn't know that we were not the first one in this situation. The only difference would be the ending and it will depend on me.

Now that I got over what I read, I need to think about what I'm gonna do before midnight passes. Oh god. Why didn't Greg gave me more time to think things through.

I looked at the clock. Thirty minutes before twelve.

Tick tock. Tick Tock.

It's a half hour but I feel like I'm running out of time.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

I pulled my hair in frustration. Time is running. It's now a few minutes before midnight and the clock sounds louder than before.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

Running away. Greg. Marriage. Family. Honor. There's too many factor!

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

Remember James, clarity in calmness. 

That's what I did. I stopped thinking for a second and I let my mind decide what I truly desire. And now that things are finally clearer. I saw what I wanted in the future.

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