Chapter 12: For Your Entertainment

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Chapter 12: For Your Entertainment.

"Your Highness, you should really need to rest for a month to avoid your wound to split open. Strenuous activities must be avoided too." The doctor advised him. The prince groaned but I was like Yeeeeaaah! No more combat training for a month. Maybe I should wound the prince monthly to continue my happy life forever.

"Good day Your Highness." Dr. Abbadon bowed and went ahead. Great. Now I'm stuck here with the prince.

"Good day to you too Your Highness." I was about to go outside to frolic on the garden when the demon summoned me.

"Now where do you think your going?" He said and grumbled.

"To the moon of course where else?" Oh yeah, I remember. He's not so fond of my sarcasm.

"Stay here!" He commanded.

"O come on. I'm not the one who's sick." I retaliated.

"You know, You're literally the worst gardein that they have assigned to me."

"You're welcome. I'll just take that as a compliment and I should probably be going." Before he could even utter a word I went out of the room and closed the door.

"JAAAAAAAAMMMMMEEEEES!" He screamed so loud that it made me flinch. Uh oh. The beast is now on it's deadly level. Everyone evacuate and leave the building immediately. Everybody on the hallway is now staring at me. Apparently the loudness of his voice is better than the hardwood door. Fearing my life more than anything, I returned to his room.

"What a surprise that you actually know my name." I fake laughed in order for me to lessen my nervousness. He was utterly scary AF. He didn't react so I changed the topic. "By the way, screaming that loud is not really helping you heal your wound."

"You should know your responsibilities as a royal guard." He whined.

"Awwwww. Prince Gregory doesn't want to be left alone. Poor baby.." I was interrupted in my sarcasm when he threw a pillow to me.

"Shut the fuck up!"

I stopped laughing when he was throwing daggers in his looks. Tsss. Now what?

"So what do you want me to do? Stay in the corner and reflect what I have done?"

"Humor me." He demanded.

"What?" I asked. That would be impossible since he always doesn't find my sense of humor funny.

"Sing, dance, recite a poem, act or whatever as long as I'll be Entertained."

"Oh no Your Higness that would be very impossible." I said in a concerned manner.

"And why is that?" He asked crossed arms.

"Cause you are a stone! I mean you lack the element of life for a human being. You don't laugh, you don't like jokes, you have a single emotion every now and then. In short, you are like a talking log  trapped in a human body." He squinted at my remarks.

"That's not true." He scoffed. "Fine. Humor me with whatever you deemed necessary."

"Okay. I'll sing."

"Sure. Anytime now."

"♪I believe the children are our future-♪"

"Next!" He interrupted.

"B-but why?" I asked.

"Sounds boring to me." He yawned in time with his statement.

"How dare you. Okay this is a classic. ♪Remember when we held on in the rain. Oh the nights... We... Alsmost lost it. Once again, we can take the night—♪"

"Stop right there." He cut me off again.

"Oh. What now?" I am now becoming agigated at his demands.

"Too sappy. I don't like it."

"Gasp. How dare you say that. You have greatly offended my soul for saying that my kind of music is to bland and sappy." Disguting creature who doesn't appreciate art and music. If only he heard the original singer, he would be in tears right now.

"But it is." He insisted.

"See! You see that? That's what I'm talking about. You don't appreciate the beauty of arts and music which is essential for human life." I tried to explained to him but he again bombarded me with a one liner.

"You sing like it's not intended for humans to listen."

"Oh really? I am musically inclined so get your facts straight or better clean your ears. I can sing up to C7. No I'm just kidding. I'm comfortable at belting G5 but that's not the point. My point is you better appreciate what real music sounds like."

"Anything more you've got there?" Ugh. I just can't. This is tiring and probably endless.

"Oh sure I got something here for you. Eherm. ♪Work, work, work, work, work. He said me have to work,work, work, work, work.♪"

"Okay. That's more like it." He said that I'm actually surprised.

"What?! That's it? That's the piece of crap you wanna listen? I demand an exolanation!" It makes me angry inside. I just want to rip someone's soul right now.

"Well at least it said work. Not love oohhhhh or pain or misery and heartbreak." He was openly mocking my preference.

"Hey what's wrong with ballads huh? I like it because they have soul and a story in it. Unlike you. You know I pray for your soul everyday if ever you have one right now."

"Okay. Moving on. Let's skip the singing. My peasant servant, I demand thee to amuse thy master."

"With all my pleasure your majesty. Okay, here we go. Alms, alms, alms. Spare me a piece of bread. Spare me your mercy."

"What a terrible acting!"  He commented.

"Friends. Romans. Countrymen. Lend me you ears!"


"Oh I remembered something! This is one of my greatest talent." I exclaimed with glee when an idea struck me.

"What is it?"

I fixed the chair in fron of his bed and sat on it.

"This is called, Deep meditation to achieve the metaphysical state to become a transcendental being." I closed my eyes and pretended to concentrate when actually I was just sleeping.

A minute have passed when he realized something's not right.

"Okay, You're just making that up."

"Shhhh! Quiet. I can't achieve nirvana if you're too noisy." I again relaxed my body so that I can sleep.

"What the hell?" I woke up when something hit my face.

"It's been five minutes and you're snoring. You're obviously sleeping." He said with conviction. Shit. I've been busted.

"Yeah. So? That's my greatest talent." At least five minutes is not bad.

"You know I could torture you right now." He now stood up from his bed. Oh no. Shit just got real.

"Or we could take a walk in the garden! That would be great." I suggested.

"Yeah sure. Let's go with that." He spoke sarcastically that I don't know if it's safe to accompant him or not.

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