Chapter 14: Safety First

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Chapter 14: Safety First

After that awkward overreacting reaction of mine, we never talked about the matter. What was I thinking? Why did I even cry? I hope he didn't know that I cried cause he can't really see me in the darkness. Unless he knows but prefers not to talk about it.

"We need to find our way in to find our way out. It's the way only way we're getting out of this tunnel. I've checked the other exit but they locked it from outside. They even destroyed the wirings for the lights cause the switch is broken." He stated. I was walking behind him but he's too damn fast that I can't keep up with him.

"Can you please walk slower? I can't keep up you." I nobbled his shoulder to keep track of him.

"We can't! If they blocked the other exit then we're trapped here forever!" He sounded so desperate that it brings the fear back in me again.

"But I can't keep up with you!"

"Here. Take my hand." He extended his arm to the back.


"You heard me. Don't waste our time here." He muttered.

I didn't reply. Instead, I tried to find his hand in the dark. I felt his arm and I let my hand slide down his muscled bicep. And finally, our hands have met.

I felt myself blush and I'm glad that he can't see it. His strong rough hand is making me squirmy inside. I can actually see myself like a prepubescent teenage girl frolicking happily in the greenfields while the sun is smiling and the birds are singing.

Yuck! How could I possibly think about those things? My heart is beating so loudly and my breathing was heavier and it was eminent by the sound that's echoing in the dark.

"What's wrong with you?" The prince asked, annoyed by my profound breathing.

"Nothing. I'm just running out of air that's all." He didn't respond. "That is why we need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible!" I blurted out as a decoy.

"Then walk faster!" He hissed.

"I can not!" I retaliated.

"Yes. You. Can." He growled and tightened his grip on my hand and dragged me faster.

I didn't make a sound or complained about being dragged. My mind is too busy right now to comprehend what's happening. The warmth of his hand is making me giddy and euphoric. It's like heaven have opened its doors for me. Oh my god! What am I thinking? It's not like I have a hidden desire for the prince or anything.

I was back to reality when he let go of my hand and a crepuscular rays of light was hurting my vision.

"We're here." He declared.

"So soon?" I whispered to myself.

"What?" He grumbled.

"Nothing. I mean, Hooray! We're getting out!" I reasoned. He clicked his tongue them proceeded to leave this crappy hole.


"I'm telling you dad, someone's working on the inside! How can someone possibly know about the secret passageway?" We are currently here in his fathers office.

"Alright. I'll let them investigate about that matter but you really need to rest Greg. I don't want you to get hurt again. " The king said.

"Okay." Greg replied before leaving
the room. I was supposed to follow him but the king called my attention.

"Yes Your Majesty?"

"I want you to talk with Mattheo and I want you both to look into this matter. Thank you. You may leave the room  now." He ordered.

I nodded before I walked out of the room.


The WAR Room (Weapons and Armaments)

"Hey Mat! The king wants us to investigate about this supposedly burglary reported by Prince Gregory IV." I said once I entered in his humble abode.

"Do you even have the courtesy to knock?" He croaked. He was sitting in his usual workplace while cleaning one his guns.

"No need. It's not like you're doing something. Are you?" I grinned at my clever remark.

"Tsss. Alright, what's it about?" He inquired as he put down his gun.

"You see, we we're in this secret passageway and there was some people which we believe are burglars." I sat on one of the chairs adjacent to his seat. He squinted his eyes like he was annoyed. "He believes it was an inside job because the secret passageway is not so secret anymore."

"And where is this secret passageway you say?"

"It's a secret." I replied and I heard him heave a sigh while putting his palm on his forehead.

"What? Greg asked me to keep it as a secret. No wonder it's not so secret anymore."

"Mr. Inkwell. I am very well aware of all the secret passages in this palace. I'm just asking which one so that we can investigate about the break in you're telling me." He said with pride while slowly eating the space between us.

"Pfft. Are you bragging that?"

"No. I'm just stating the facts."

"Fine. It's the one near the garden. The one hidden in the walls covered by wall flowers." I started to tap my fingers making some staccato sounds.

"Okay. Then let's go." He said and held my hand to stop tapping. "You're starting to get into my nerves."

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