Chapter 31: The Indemnity of One Dance

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Chapter 31: The Indemnity of One Dance

The cotillion already started but I still couldn't get my mind off on what the prince said a while ago.

I love him?

Pffff. Get out of here! How can I love someone when I hated him in the first place... And I still hate him now.

I mean look at him. He's acting like nothing was happening. He's even dancing with someone happily. How can I believe that he loves me? Or maybe... Maybe he's just toying with me to make me suffer. He still wants to take a revenge on me.

"Uhhm. Excuse me. Can I have the honor to dance with you?" A little lady approached me and I can already tell that she mustered all her courage to ask me since her face started to look like a tomato.

"Okaaay.. Sure." I hesitated since we're prohibited to dance during social gatherings but I can't just say no to this girl plus I'm a little bit flattered that someone invited me to dance. Usually it's the gentleman who asks the lady first.

One dance wouldn't hurt I guess.

I took her hand and led her to the dancefloor. Oh god. I didn't know what to do and I just imitated what I've been seeing for the past months.

I held her hand and positioned the other on her back. We were moving in the zigzag formation when she started talking.

"You're cute." She said. I coughed internally.

"Thank you." That was a sincere thanks since it was the first time someone praised me for my appearance.

"And it's impressive that you're young to be a Royal Gardein. How old are you?" 

"I'm turning 19 soon." I replied.

"Really? That's impressive! And you look dashing in your uniform too!" I felt appreciated by her compliments then out of the blue while we were dancing, memories where the prince asked me to dance started to fill my mind. I felt my face beginning to heat up. I just shook my head and focused my attention to the girl.

"So what's your name?" I asked starting to engage in a conversation.

"My name is Amelie." I nodded.

"Nice to meet you Amelie. I'm James." I never intended to look behind her but I saw the prince glaring at us. It was then that I felt my whole body burn while somebody was throwing buckets of ice water at me.

I knew that as a Royal Gardein we were prohibited to dance at any social events and here I am dancing with a girl while the prince caught me red handed. F*ck!

I was waiting for the song to end but my agony seems to end indefinitely since the music doesn't seem to end. I can't focus much on everything since I can already feel the deadly stare of the prince not far behind.

And then finally the music came to an end. I took a bow and thanked the lady for her invitation.

I returned to my post while I wipe the fountains of sweat on my forehead. The time has come where the prince will finally chose his final faverē.

"I know everybody's anxious to know who finally captured my attention. Well I don't want to bore you any longer. The final girl who will complete the trifecta is no other than Lady Amelie from Mideres." Greg stated coldly. There was a second of silence followed by a reluctant clapping of hands.

People started to murmur and I heard someone whispers nearby.

"How did that happen? Amelie was not included in the preliminary list."

"Are we trying to ignore the fact that her family belongs to the lower class?"

"A commoner like her doesn't deserve to be called a lady!"


"What the heck was that? Are you trying to prove something?" I asked the prince once the party was finally over. Something about his actions are pissing me off.

"Nothing. Are you?" He returned with sarcasm.

"Among all the lady you danced with, why did you choose someone who's not included in the roster? Are you trying to embarass her? Is it a form of mockery to choose someone outside your strata?" Hearing those harsh comments about her really annoyed. She doesn't deserved to be called names when Amelie's a nice girl.

"Oh really? I'm the one who's acting suspiciously when in the first place you're the one  who's acting mischievously! Why don't you tell me why you're really concerned about that girl. Is it because you like her? Is that the reason why you violated your code of conduct as a Royal Guard?" He was accusing me wildly while his rage was being transferred to my collar on where he was clutching my uniform so tightly.

"You're wrong!" I responded. I tried to remove his grip but he was just too damn strong. He pushed my body back to the wall and I felt my body float when he carried me to level his gaze.

"No I'm not! You look flushed the whole time that you're dancing with her!" His accusations are totally wrong. I was blushing because I remembered the night that we danced but I can't tell him that.

"Please let me down." I begged him. It was the second time I saw him this furious it's actually scary. "Why are you so angry?" I just muttered.

"If I can't have you, why would I give you the right to have her! Let's be fair."

"W-what?" I asked confused. His conclusions are both stupid and incorrect.

"Do you have any idea about the consequences of your action?" His face now inches away from mine.

"No sir, Your Highness." I replied nervously. Whatever it is, it must be serious.

"Let me show you." Without any warning he started to kiss me aggressively. We were inside his room and no one would see us or rescue me. I struggled to let myself go but as soon as his kisses started to get gentle and affectionate, I lost all control and just let my hands hang on his arms. It seems like my strength was sucked by him.

His lips were soft and warm. I am tempted to respond to his sweet passion but I stand with my word. I would never let myself fall with this horrible guy even if his kisses felt magical.

He finally let go and I was left to lean on him while my hands took support in his arms. My knees instantly collapsed once it touched the ground. We were both panting for breath and I can feel that I'm still running out of oxygen.

"Why? Why would you do that?" Was my opening line. I still can't believe he kissed me. This was longer and deeper than the first one and I'm not yet ready for it.

"Because I want to be with you." Was his reply.

"We can't do this."

"Why not?" He dared.

"Because it's just wrong!" I reasoned out.

"You just broke my heart for the second time James. I'm in love with you, why can't you see that?" I heard sadness from his voice. I bit my lips. Unsure on what to do.

"Let's call this a night. Tomorrow you'll be visiting your last faverē." I stated before leaving him standing on the corner of his room.

Tomorrow will never be the same for us.

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