Chapter 33: The Pain in the Heart

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Chapter 33: The Pain in the Heart

"Good Morning." I greeted the prince. It was the thing I usually do in the morning and here I am trying to make things return to normal when everything is not  really the way it used to be. For a moment yesterday, I thought I would utter the words he's been dying to hear. 

"Morning." he lazily replied. Even though we both try to do our routine like normal; we could never deny the tension that surrounds us. It was like ignoring a third person beside us.

"Uhm. How's the... How's the trip?" I tried to make a conversation and for the reason that I'm really curious about what transpired yesterday without me.

"It went well I guess. You're girl is curious why I chose her." he replied flatly as if he's not interested about the topic at all.

"And what did you say?"


"Nothing? Well that's believable. A snob. Typical you." I chuckled at the thought of their conversation. She must have been embarrassed and never spoke to him again.

"Oh yeah? Is that what I really am?" he asked smiling.

"Uh huh. Hey! Remember when you almost killed me just to get your ring back?" I laughed when I remembered that first moment that I met him. "You're almost killed me just because I embarrassed you in front of many people."

"Yeah... I was such an ass back there." I stopped laughing when I saw him staring at me. He was smiling but it looks like he's not grinning about the topic. He's thinking something entirely different.

"Listen..." he held my shoulder and made me face him. Oh no. This aura again. "If you don't really feel the same about me, I understand. I just want you to say it. I want to hear you say it." he was clutching on my deltoid and it means he's serious.

"Say what exactly?"

"That you don't love me. Say it and look at me straight in the eyes." I focused my gaze on his neck since he was taller than me but he raised my chin and I was met with his interrogating eyes.

"Is that what you want to hear?"

"That depends. I don't want a maybe."

"Then I guess I don't love you." I replied fast enough for summer to come.

"Don't just guess. I want you to mean it."

"I don't love you." I replied more slowly and with conviction. But why do I feel like I just made a mistake? He let go of me and sighed.

"I guess that settles it then." he faked a laugh. I can feel my fingers bleeding from tucking my fingers to much. "I'll request for your immediate disposal as my Royal Guard." 

"What? You can't do that!" 

"I'll reason that you're incompetent. I'll be asking for someone who's more experienced and older than you."

"But this is my job!"

"They'll put you in the army. I'm sure Mr. Stone doesn't want to accept you again. Just leave your uniform in your room and take the day off." he started to leave and he's back again to his regal state.

"Wait a minute. You can't just leave me like this! Just because I didn't want to return your love makes it acceptable for you to replace me just like that!" I was madly furious and scared at the same time. It feels like something important is slipping through my fingers.

"You know that I can't look at you the way it was before! It only pains me and I'm getting married. I don't want to be unfaithful to my future wife by thinking about the possibility of you and me. I would really appreciate if I'll never see you again. In that way, I'll just forget everything there is about you." I bit my lips. He's really serious about this.

"So this is it? No goodbyes or whatever?" damn! It feels like something's striking my chest.

"Yeah. I guess this is it." his voice croaked. It hurts him the same way I do. "Look. There's Mr. Williams from the secretariat department. I can inform him about our agreement." he pointed at someone walking in our direction.

"I think I saw him before." his face was still unclear from the distance but I can say that I've met him before.

"You might have seen him when you were brought here the first time." Greg replied.

"Oh yeah. Him. I now remember. He's a nice man." He was the man from the Laws and Intervention office. He's the one who assigned me to work on Mr. Stone's Hell's kitchen. But I think I encountered him more than once I just can't tell when.

"Mr. Williams!" Greg greeted.

"Your Highness." he responded and took a bow.

"Mr Inkwell here is no longer my guardian please guide him in joining the army" I looked at Mr. Williams from head to foot. Something tells me there's something about this guy.

 And then it dawned on me. Same posture. Same height and same striking eye I saw on the hallway. I can never forget the eyes of the one who attacked me!

"You're the burglar! I saw you with my own eyes!" the two were shocked by my sudden outburst.

"A-are you sure that's him?" Greg asked me.

"I'm pretty sure that's him. I can never forget those evil eyes behind the cape!"

"That's possible. You have the access to some of the classified information." Greg commented. Mr. Williams looks defeated. He's totally guilty of all the accusations.

"It's about time someone  did something. The palace have long been keeping the people's money for their personal spending. For what? Fancy balls and nice dress? Your family make me sick! All the corruptions and your unjust spending, I can tolerate that. But the moment your father took my father's life away, that I can't forget!" Mr. Williams blurted with hatred and anger. Something that he kept deep inside him for a long time.

"My Father did not took your father's life! He sacrificed himself to save my father. It's not our fault he was killed in combat!" Greg replied.

"The heck he did! Your father have his 'divine right'. God save the King, fuck that! All you ever gave me was his goddamn pin. I was orphaned and all you ever gave me was a piece of metal? The King was the target but my father was the one who died. I suffered because of your family and that is why I want you to suffer too." I became nervous when he put his hands on his pocket. True enough he revealed a gun. 

"My associates can dismantle the monarch without my help but I'm the only one who can take what's precious to you." he was pointing at the gun to Greg the whole time but I was shocked when it was turned to me. "You think I didn't know loverboy? I've been watching. I'm always watching." he was mocking the prince. His evil grin made me forget about the nice man I first met on the palace.

"Oliver? Look I'm sorry for what happened to you but what you're doing is wrong.  You're harming the lives of innocent people. You're father wouldn't want that." Greg tried to persuade him but I knew from the looks of him that he's determined. I can't do much since my body froze. I don't know what to do. One single mistake and he could pull the trigger.

"Sometimes in war, collateral damage is needed. I learned that when my father died." 

And then everything went fast. I heard a shot. Greg pushed me and the three of us fell on the floor.

I examined myself. I'm not hurt. I looked at Mr. Williams. He looks dead. My concern was now given to Greg who was shaking and groaning.

"Greg? Are you alright?" he didn't reply. I approached him and blood was rapidly spreading on his chest. I took his hand and lay it to chest to put some pressure.

"Greg. Can you hear me? Everything's gonna be alright. I'll call for help." I was about to run when he held my hand tighter.

"I need to call some help." I'm seriously scared about his life. I have to save him. He was looking at me like he knows he won't last long.

"Gregory, I need you to stay with me." His breathing was getting slower. He's losing a lot of blood. 

"Please..." I'm crying my eyes out. I'm losing him. I secured my hands on his hand. Things finally clearer to me but I just can't find my voice to say them out loudly.

I just stared into his eyes. There's just so many words that is written there. That is until, he finally closed them.

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