Chapter 18: The Morning After

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Chapter 18: The morning after

What the fuck just happened?

I let my hand slide through the cool blade of grass. I can feel my ribcage to break any moment now. It seems like my heart is now ready to burst and would like to get out of my fuckin chest.

I shuffled my hair in frustration. I also pulled some of my hair but I didn't feel a thing. I took a deep breathe and tried to calm myself. What in the world?

I imagined my first kiss with a woman but then the prince, who I despise the most, just fuck things up! I hate him! But why do I feel like I like it?

Eew! No! I stood up and ran straight to my room. I changed my clothes and went to bed. A good night sleep will make this feeling disappear.  I closed my eyes and then...
Nothing. I can't even fucking sleep! The scene a while ago keeps flashing on my mind. My senses can still feel the way he touched me and how his soft lips felt on mine.

This is all your fault Prince Gregory the fourth!

I know! How about some music?  I stood up and played some record on the phonograph.

There's no chill, and, yet I shiver.
There's no flame, and, yet I burn.
I'm not sure what I'm afraid of,
And, yet I'm trembling.
There's no storm, yet I hear thunder,
And I'm breathless; why, I wonder?
Weak one moment,
Then the next I'm fine.♪

I closed my eyes trying to force myself to sleep. Maybe I should move little to the right? To the left? Or maybe at the edge of bed?

♪I feel as if I'm falling, ev'ry time
I close my eyes.
And flowing through my body
Is a river of surprise.
Feelings are awakening,
I hardly recognize
As mine♪

God! This is uncomfortable. Is it the pillow? Yeah it must be the pillow. I adjusted my pillow but to no avail sleep can't find me yet. It's frustrating.

What are all these new sensations?
What's the secret they reveal?
I'm not sure I understand,
But I like the way I feel.
Oh, why is it that ev'ry time
I close my eyes he's there?
The water shining on his skin;
The sunlight in his hair.
And all the while I'm thinking things
That I can never share
With him.
I'm a bundle of confusion.
Yes, it has a strange appeal.
Did it all begin with him
And the way he makes me feel?
I like the way he makes me feel.♪

Oh shut up Barbra! I don't like the way he makes me feel. This is nightmare! A total  nightmare!


"Are you the prince's gardein?" A maid asked me while I was walking down the corridor. Believe it or not, I woke up early this day. Wanna know why? Wanna know why? Cause I didn't slept at all!

"Yes I am unfortunately." I replied.

"Oh good. Can you take these to his room?" Before I could even reply she placed the tray on my hands.

"But why me?"

"Because he's to scary. Thanks anyway Bye!" Then she ran away. Why that scumbag! I looked at the tray I was holding and it contained the prince's breakfast.  Oh great! Now I have no choice but to face him early.


I saw the prince on the bed. Wow he sleeps naked. Not the naked naked type but the one without his shirt. Wait a minute... If I would wake him up will he remember all that ruckus yesterday? I hope not because I have seen drunk people do crazy shit but can't remember what they have done the morning after.

I shook my head and focused on my goal. I just need to bring his food here. I was about to put the tray down when he started move and moan.

"Jesus!" I was startled that I lost grip on the tray. It made a horible noise that is louder than a triggered middle aged lady.

"What are you doing?" Greg asked in a husky voice. Fuck. I woke him.

"I uhh.. Uhmmm.. Breakfast." I am totally lost with words.

"Did  you  sleep last night?" He asked me. I can infer that he's still drunk because of his suspiciously nice attitude.

"Why'd you asked?" I was quivering badly. Damn. I should get a grip.

He pointed at my eyes and his eyes while making a circular motion.


He pointed to the mirror near his closet.

"Ahhhh!" I looked like a human panda with the black circles around my eyes. It also comes with an additional eye bags.

"Come.." He moved to the side and gave the space a quick pat. I'm not really sure what he meant by that. I'm sure he's still very drunk and it's obvious because of how absurd his suggestion is.

"Holy shhhiii!"  Before I could even reply he pulled me on the other side of the bed. Fuck this shit I'm out!

"Sssshhhh. We both need some sleep." He held my arm tightly with his both arms. Note to self: stay away from the drunk prince. I can't do anything because of his death grip but to just wait for him to loosen his grip.

Ughk. It reeks with alcohol in here. The smell of liquor, perfume and Greg has mixed together. I heard him snore and I tried to remove my arm between his muscled arms but then he tightened his grip again.

Fuck this.


This is weird. My pillow seems harder. I caressed the object that was supporting my head. Wait is that a face? I definitely touched a nose. I was semiconscious but doesn't want to open my eyes because they seemed to be heavy. I decided to reach higher and felt some hair. Why is there human hair in my room? I stroked my hand on the silky hairlike object that seems to be attached on my pillow and then I heard someone groaned.

I immediately opened my eyes and saw myself sleeping on someone's chest. I looked up and felt myself burn in embarrassment. The prince was weirdly looking at me.

I snapped out and fell on the bed. Oh my god. I was practically hugging the prince the whole time and I thought he was my hotdog pillow that I always hug whenever I sleep.

I slowly looked above the bed and saw the prince massaging his head. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked annoyed as if I was the one who interrupted his sleep.

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me!" and then I remembered. "You're the one who pulled me there asshole!"

"I can't fucking believe this." He muttered, still stroking both ends of his forehead.

Our little fight was interrupted when somebody knocked on the door.

"Your lunch Your Highness." a voice said on the other side.

"Come in!" He ordered. A maid entered and he was carrying a meal for two. She put the other plate on the table and then she turned around to face me. "Now where would you want to eat sir?"

I looked behind me but no one was there.

"Me?" I asked her.

"Yes." She replied in a jolly way. That is weird. How would they know I was still here?.... Unless somebody saw me! Oh god! Somebody kill me right now.

"Uhhm. Thank you." I took the plate and sat on a chair beside the bed.

"And can you also clean this mess?" He pointed on the food that I tossed.

"Yes your highness." She immediately cleaned the mess before bowing to the prince and fleeing out.

"You..." He uttered. I turned around to face him.

"Get out."

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