Chapter Two

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The Bender Games

Chapter 2: The Drafting

         The whole providence gathers in the center of town, right in front of the Capital building, a tribute to the Capital Island where the nobility and the Imperial family live. A large stage is set up in front of the building; microphones and speakers are set up all over the stage. Next to the stage, is a white screen, where they will be playing the video they play every year. It is always the same thing: about why we have the games and how much we can accomplish if we win. I always zone out during that part.

         I sign in and make my way to the waterbender platform, where all waterbenders have to be during the drafting. I shuffle through all the kids there, looking for Cam. I try to look over everybody’s heads to try to find the one person I really want to see. Before I can look any further, I hear the sound of static, coming from the stage’s speakers. I turn my head to see someone standing at the microphone, Monica.

Monica is the drafter for Providence Five. All the drafters are from the capital, so whenever they come, it is like seeing a panda-lily in a garden of weeds. Monica is an airbender, and she shows it. Her dress is a shimmering gold color that falls all the way down to the floor. Her light brown hair is curled, and streaked with sparkling orange strips. Monica’s eyes are also swiped with orange and gold eye shadow.

         Monica holds out her arms and puts on that fake smile she wears every year.

         “Welcome, one and all! Today is the day when we shall now select our contestants for the pride of representing Providence Five in the fourteenth annual Bender Games.” She smiles, and claps her hands. The crowd reluctantly claps in return. Monica clasps her hands in front of her before she begins her next sentence: “But first, how about we watch the grand history of our people, and our loving nation.” She gestures over to the screen, which is now playing the three minutes and twenty-seven second video. I instantly zone out, and instead look around for Cam, while the movie talks about the Bender Games. He is still nowhere in sight.  When the video stops, I can’t help but think that there could be a slight chance that Cam could get drafted. It is still a small chance, but it still hangs over my mind like an unwanted ghost.

         A lump begins to form in my throat. I take a deep breath to try and calm myself down. My eyes roam back to the stage, where Monica is still standing at the microphone, blabbing away about the movie.

         “But now, let us begin the drafting.” She smiles, and walks over to the first glass bowl that is painted a light yellow for airbenders. “Airbenders first.” Monica says. Then she sticks her hand in the bowl, and moves her fingers around, searching for the perfect card. She finally grabs one, and pulls it out perfectly in between her index and middle fingers. Then she carries the card to the microphone, and unfolds the tiny orange paper. “It seems like our airbending contestant is Josefina Larson.” Monica pretends to be proud of the contestant, and claps her hands like Jo has accomplished something.

I look to the front of the airbending section, where I can see fourteen year old Jo slowly making her way out. All the other airbenders move out of her way as she passes by. The poor girl looks absolutely paralyzed. Her movements are stiff, as if she got struck by lightning. I have seen Jo around before. She is a sweet girl with blonde hair and dark gray eyes; you rarely see her without a smile. Now, she appears as if all of the life has been sucked right out of her. She shuffles up the steps of the stage, and stands in front of the airbender drafting bowl, as customary.

Monica removes the microphone from its stand, and walks over to Jo. “So you are Josefina, right?” she asks with a fake smile.

“It’s J-Jo.” Jo stutters. Her face is as white as a sheet. She is so young, and now she is frozen in fear of the realization of being drafted. That is when my mind starts to panic about Cam again.

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