Chapter Nineteen

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The Bender Games

Chapter 19: Don't Want to Get Caught

    As the sun begins to rise, I cower in my log. I don't know when would be the best time to make my escape. I wait in my log as the sun continues to rise higher and higher from the trees. If I wait any longer, I will not have the cover of darkness that I need in order to sneak away from the alliance group.

    I decide not to wait any longer. I need to get out of here, and put as much distance as possible. I roll up my sleeping bag and stuff it in my backpack. Then I shoulder my backpack and slowly crawl out of my log. I look around me to see if there is anyone nearby. I see nothing, and I hear nothing, which hopefully means it is safe to go out.

    I crawl on my hands and knees until I am safely outside of the log. I take one more quick glance around to see if anyone is near. The only thing I can see is the distant smoke of the campfire that the group has made. I slowly back away in the opposite direction of the smoke, until I have deemed it far enough, and turn to run.

    As I run through the thick line of trees, I make sure I am not causing too much noise, for I do not want to be heard, and followed. I turn to make sure the campfire is still behind me, which it is. Then I glue my eyes back to the forest around me. There is still no one in sight.

    Once I think I am far enough, I slow down, and snake my way through the forest as quietly as I can. I can hear my heart beating through my chest, I feel so exposed out in the open like this. I liked it a whole lot better when I was in my log, or my pond. Unfortunately, things change. But hey, this is the Bender Games. Things happen when you really don't want them to. I guess I just have to suck it up and get on with it.

    I turn a corner and duck underneath a branch that is in my way. Roots and rocks jut out of the ground, leaving me more obstacles to overcome. I am so used to the ground being flat that I feel so clumsy here. I'm not used to tripping over rocks and roots.

    As I make my way around the bend, I hear a slight rumbling sound. Then the slight rumbling noise turns into a loud rumbling noise. I turn around to see a large boulder come hurtling towards me. I jump out of the way and do a somersault  so I am back on my feet. I spin around so I can see just where the boulder came from. Not too far from me stands Autumn, a wide grin is spread across her face.

    I back away from Autumn, but keep my hands near my water pouch, in case I need to blast her.

    "Well, this was almost too easy!" Autumn says. I frown at her and pretend to play dumb, even though I know very well that she is here to take me to Eclipse. But I won't go down without a fight. I narrow my eyes and prepare myself for a brawl. Autumn shakes her head and makes a ticking sound.

    "Its such a shame, I thought it was going to be a challenge to find you." She says as if she is bored.

    "It might be easy to find me, but it won't be so easy to take me down." I counter. Autumn glares at me, but then she laughs playfully.

    "Yeah, well, we'll see about that." She grins. Then she stamps her foot on the ground and kicks a boulder in my direction. I dodge out of the way, and whip her with water. She gets knocked in the face, and I pull the water back in my pouch.

    Autumn stumbles back, and when she comes to her senses, she does not look happy with me. It seems I have only made her angry. She throws another rock at me and I dodge again. I shoot water at her, but she lifts up the ground and turns my water into mud. Okay, I am now officially screwed.

        This is why I have never wanted to fight earthbenders - the smart ones can figure out how to leave me completely defenseless.

        Then I remember that I can make ice.

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