Chapter Fourteen

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The Bender Games

Chapter 14: Costumes

    Two girls open up curtains, and the light from the ballroom fills my eyes. Flavius leads me through the curtains, and onto the top of the stairs that overlooks the entire party. Everyone is busy with chatter. There is a strong aroma of food and drinks that are laid out on tables all over the room. A large, rainbow-gemmed chandelier hangs from the ceiling. The whole thing is bigger than me! In the center of the room, the floor is painted into a circle, where partygoers are now dancing. There are decorations and lights everywhere. The lights change colors and follow certain contestants around. Over on the far side of the party, a stringed orchestra plays a beautiful song. And right over them stands a window as tall as the ceiling, the moon can be seen out of the window.

There are three giant-screened TV’s on the walls - which really kills the mood of an extravagant party. On all of the TV’s is Axel’s image. Brutus is still talking to him. But then on the screen, Axel lifts his eyes, and his jaw drops in absolute awe. Brutus tries to get his attention, until he swings his head around and sees what Axel sees.

“Get that, get that, get that, get that.” He tells the cameraman. The camera swings around, until it lands on someone at the top of the stairs. Wait, thats not someone, thats me!

I am taken aback by my appearance on the television screen before me. Flavius was correct when he said I would be surprised. I am wearing a light blue dress that is covered with gems all around the hem and the torso. There is a light blue cape that is attached to my shoulders with white diamonds. Gems run down my shoulders, eyes, hands, and wrists. There are more gems in my hair, which is tied into a loose bun - save the few curls that dangle around my face. I feel completely breathless right now. I don’t know what to say. I know I said that a million times last night, but tonight I mean it. There are just no words to describe what a fantastic job Flavius has done with the whole ensemble.

Flavius pats my hand to remind me that we are in the middle of a party. He helps me walk down the stairs, and leans into my ear as we descend.

“Surprised?” He asks.

“Very.” I reply with a smile.

“I’m glad you like it.” He says. “I’m not sure who likes it more, you, or the crowd.” I look down the stairs to see partygoers clapping their hands and cheering me on. When I am within arms reach of them, they all surround me and ask Flavius and I about the dress. A few women tug on my cape or play with my hair, which really creeps me out.

Flavius answers as many questions as he can, until he then shoos the partiers away, and continues to escort me along. We stop in the middle of the ballroom, right underneath the rainbow chandelier. I try to take it all in, but there is so much going on right now. There are dancers, entertainers, musicians, chefs, interviewers, contestants, designers, royal family members, capital members, and many more. It seems like a circus right now. There is so much going on.

“Where to first?” I ask Flavius. He flashes me  a wide grin.

“Wherever you want to, darling.”

“Is that your new nickname for me?” I ask him as my response to him calling me “darling” all the time. Flavius laughs, and nods his head.

“Yes indeed, darling.” He tells me. Then he winks at me while I shake my head. After a few minutes of standing around, looking at my surroundings, Flavius then pulls me along to a new location. I walk with Flavius, and ask him where he is taking me. He leans down and whispers in my ear. “Just remember to do a little spin.” I frown. What does he mean by that?

Before I can think about that any further, Brutus Offend comes into my view, beckoning the two of us to him. Now I get it. Flavius ushers me in Brutus’s direction, and he waves to Brutus. When we are in earshot, I can hear Brutus commenting on my dress.

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