Chapter Three

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The Bender Games

Chapter 3: Goodbye

         I sit on one of the embroidered chairs, with my hands in my lap. They said I would have to wait in here until my family comes. I didn’t exactly think it would take this long.

         I have shifted from four different positions: looking out the window, pacing the floors, sitting on the couch, and sitting on the chair. All I want to do is see my dad and Cam one last time, before I go. I don’t know if it will be for forever, but I know it will be for a while.

         I remember Cam’s face when he was being dragged away, and how he said: “You took my mother, you can’t take my sister.” I put my face in my hands. Oh spirits, this wasn’t what I meant. I gulp down another lump in my throat.

         The thought of never seeing my baby brother is too much to bear.

         The door opens and reveals two guards. I stand up, preparing to embrace the fact that I now have to leave without any goodbyes, when Cam pushes past them. Tears stream down his freckled face as he runs over to hug me. He leans his head against my shoulder as he cries into my hair. I stroke his neatly combed hair and let him sob for a few minutes. I look up and see my father awkwardly standing in the doorway. I know he is letting Cam and I have our moment. Cam slowly releases his grip on me and pulls away.

         “Ariel,” he chokes as he grabs onto my shoulders, “they can’t take you from me.” I wipe tears from his face. “You can’t go.” Cam sobs.

         “Cam, it doesn’t work like that. What’s done is done, you have to be strong and accept that.” I try to tell him as gently as I can. He bows his head and releases a few more tears.

         “I-I can’t. I just can’t, Ariel.” He cries. I swallow back my own tears; I can’t let Cam know how badly I’m hurting inside. I need to appear calm and strong, to give him hope.

         I grab a hold of Cam’s shoulders and bend slightly so I am at eye level with him. His eyes are now red and puffy from crying.

         “Cam, look at me.” I say. He does as he is told. “You need to be brave now okay?” I tell him.

         “I’m not you.” He whimpers.

         “You have to be brave, and you can. I know that you are brave, Cam. Now you have to listen to me, okay?” he nods his head. “Dad will teach you how to waterbend. You need to find some way to use your skill to make money.”


         “Someone can teach you healing if you need to. Very few waterbenders are blessed with the skill to heal, but I believe that you have it.”


         “You need to be a good boy, okay? You need to help Dad in any way you can.” I say.

         “Ariel, don’t talk like you’re never coming back.” Cam cries again. He wraps his arms around me and cries into my shoulder again. “You have to come back.” He manages to whisper in between sobs. “You can heal yourself, to get better. You’re the best waterbender I’ve ever seen Ariel, you have to come back. You have to win.” He pulls away suddenly, and pulls on a small black cord that hangs around his neck and hides in his shirt. He lifts up the cord and holds it out to me.  At the end of the cord, is a small blue container, painted with moons and stars. “Take this.” he sniffs.

         “What is it?” I ask. Dad takes a step forward and places a hand on Cam’s shoulder.

         “It was your mother’s.” he says. “She gave it to your brother when he was a baby. Inside contains spirit water; it has special properties that can heal any wound, even on the brink of death.” I look back to Cam after Dad tells me this. I know that since our mother was taken when Cam was a baby, the small things that were hers have always been special to him.

         “Are you sure you want to give me this?” I ask him.

         “It will give you luck. It has done the same for me.” he says. He takes my hand and places the necklace inside.

         Dad puts a hand on my shoulder. “Ariel, I know you will make us proud. Your mother would be proud too.” he smiles. I know he is faking for Cam. He is trying to be strong like me and give Cam hope that I will come back. But we both have seen these games. We know what is at stake. And when the chances are two to thirty-two, they are never in your favor. We both know there is a high risk of me not coming back. For the remainder of the time we have together, we sit on the couch; Cam’s head on my shoulder, Dad’s arms around me. One of my hands strokes Cam’s hair and the other clasps the necklace that Mom used to have.  

         When the guards come to usher my family out of the room, they practically have to rip Cam off of me. I give him one last hug before he goes, and watch him leave with my father. I sit back down by the window to watch them walk back home. Five minutes later, the guards come back to escort me away. It’s time to head to the capital.

       All the contestants line up behind Monica, and walk single file all the way to the train station. I hear the whistle blowing and engines revving from three blocks away. The steam from the engine blows out, blotting the sun with its blackness. All along the side of the train, are members of Providence Five. They are going to watch us leave. When we board the train, all of the contestants rush to the window, looking for their loved ones in the crowd.

         I push past them, and search for my father and Cam, if they are there. I can see familiar faces, but not the two I really want to see. I scan the rest of the faces, and finally land on the ones I was looking for. Cam sits on top of my Dad’s shoulders; they are both waving to me. I wave back.

         The train fires up, and the wheels begin to move. I push down the window and poke my head out. I keep my eyes on Dad and Cam, until they are far out of my sight. When they have fully disappeared into the windmills and blowing grass, I pull my head back in the train and move into the lounge cart to take my seat.

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