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I woke up on the couch, and fell off it, hitting my head in the process. I winced and sat up.

"Are you okay?" William asked, making me jump and hit my head on the arm thing on the couch. Shit, I'm embarrassing. As I winced and felt for my head again, he laughed and helped me up.

"I guess." I grumbled. "Wait, why am I here?" I croaked. God! I'm screwing myself over!

"Because.." William trailed off, a smile grew wide on his face. He took my hand, and as tingles rushed though my body, he pulled me back to the guest room. I walked in and my jaw dropped.

"T-This? For me?" I asked, taking in every detail. He nodded and Anna burst from the closet, making me jump and trip on something. Will caught me, and stood me back up in seconds.

"YUP!" She screeched. I let out some shaken laughter and hugged her.

"Thank you so so so so so SO much!" I said, not letting go from the hug.

"No problem! Just, you have to do one thing.." She said, turning serious. I eyed her and she grabbed my phone and handed it to me. "Call him. And dump him." I hesitated. After everything that happened yesterday, I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to mention him.

"Come on, Ace." William said, wrapping an arm around my waist- well, just above it. "It's just a quick call." I sighed and nodded. I took my phone and dialed his number, which I just memorized. Will and Anna left me to my call and I began to shake. What would I say? Was I gonna get angry? Or cry? Or just be quiet and not speak at all?

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey.." I said, softly.

"A-Ace? Ace! Ace, about yesterday-"

"Yea, about yesterday.." I cut him off, sitting on the new bed. "I'm breaking up with you.." I said, my voice cracking.

"Ace.." He whispered. "You- you can't leave me"

"Well, you have my mother, I guess that's the most you'll have." I said, calmly. I didn't even realize I said that and threw a hand over my mouth.

"I-It.." he sighed. "Okay. I'll be truthful. This wasn't a one time thing. It's just.. I- I don't know. Things happened and next thing I knew, we were in bed.." I felt like gagging and crying all at once. At least he was being truthful. There was a few minutes of silence between us.

"Hayden. I have two questions. The first being, what does Ace stand for?" I asked, hopeful he knew this one.

"Angelis Ciara Evans." He said. I could feel himself smile through the phone, and I found myself smiling, too.

"Now, the second one is- Did you ever love me?l i asked. He sighed and I heard the phone move, probably from one ear to the other.

"Yes. Okay? Yes- yes I did. I always did. I just.. I didn't know if I ever wanted to say it. Love is just.. just too big of a commitment and.." he trailed off.

"Yeah.. it's too serious. It's way too easy to love, but also way to easy to get hurt with it.."

"Yeah." He said. "I understand why you want to break up with me. I respect it. Just know, I love you."

"What took so long?" I said, my voice cracking. I quickly hung up seeing as I didn't want an answer- I didn't need one. I fell back on the bed and rubbed my eyes hard. It helped fight back the tears. I knew he answered, but I felt there was more to it than just age and the dangers of love. There had to be more that he was holding back.

Time skip to a few hours later*

I had been alone in my room ever since I broke up with Hayden and I felt so empty. I felt incomplete. After everything he did to me, I couldn't help how much I missed him. He had his bad moments, but he also had his good ones. I pulled out my phone and found a picture of us. I was laughing like a crackhead while on his back and he was sticking his tongue out at the camera. I wanted to moment to be like an aesthetic one, so I made a friend of ours take it with a Polaroid and then did just my thumb and index finger nails to take a picture of that picture. I let out a brief laugh at that moment and went back to being a complete mess.

"Why does everything have to be so difficult?" I groaned and sat up. I stretched a bit and walked to the door. I walked out and found William and Anna making out on the couch. They never noticed me. Even when I poured some Frosted Flakes and milk into a bowl LOUDLY. My heart sank, but I couldn't do a thing about it. I was happy that Anna found someone, and I felt even happier that it was someone she adored, but I began to feel sadder and sadder for myself. I refrained from having any of these moments with Hayden and I never did. I didn't want to make her feel awkward. I guess she was up for anything, though. I sighed and took my bowl with me to my room. They could eat each other's faces out if they wanted.

I'll just be in my new room. Eating cereal and milk. While watching Hulu (because Netflix is kinda becoming trash). As a new single person. Starting today, I'd be joining one of many. Only it hurt more to think I had a chance with William. And it hurt more to think I'd stand a chance against Anna. It hurt that I was just that one friend while everyone knew Anna. I stuffed some cereal into my mouth and sat back. I wanted to cry, but I'm not. I'll do other things instead. I'll try to, at least.

Torn [William Singe FF] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now