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"You're pregnant and you didn't even tell me?!" Anna shrieked.

"Your pregnant?! Did you and Alex do anything??" Will growled. As they continued to bombard me with questions, much like those, I put my hands to my ears and yelled-

"SHUT UP!" They grew quiet quickly. "I didn't know I was pregnant, one, and two-" I pulled William close and whispered in his ear. "You and I had sex yesterday and I don't know if we used protection, genius!" He backed up and nodded. I sighed and put my hands to my forehead. "What the hell am I gonna do? I don't even have my own apartment or job!"

"We'll help!" Anna chirped. She turned to Will and eyed him. "We will, right?" He nodded and a smile grew on both of our faces. The doctor came in and continued to explain things further, but I just kept on staring at Will, who was staring at my stomach with a goofy smile on his face.

Time skip to when we get home*

"Ugh, I need a nap." I grumbled, quietly. Anna nodded and rubbed my back as she led me to my room. Began to laugh as she treated me like a thin, porcelain tea cup which she didn't want to drop. "Anna, I'm like, a few days pregnant, I'm not cripple." I laughed. She chimed and and Will poked his head through the door.

"Ladies." He smiled.

"Will." We responded, and laughed at our telepathic minds.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm gonna stay the night." He chirped.

"Why?" Anna asked.

"Cuz I wanna be there for her." He smiled. Anna still didn't know about our hook up, and we wanted to keep it that way.

"Okayyy then." She shrugged. "Imma make pancakes." She smiled. My eyes widened and a big smile crept on my face.

"PANCAKES?!!" I squealed.

"At 7:19pm?" Will chimed in. She nodded and I hugged her.


"Whip cream, I know, I know." She laughed and walked out the room. Now it was just Will and I.

"Pancakes?" He asked, sitting down next to me and wrapping his hands around my waist. I nodded.

"I've always loved them. Even as a child!" I giggled. I fell back and he did the same.

"Wow.. you're gonna be a mom.." he said. I smiled and turned my head towards him and nodded.

"Yeah.." I sighed.

"Why the sigh, love?" He asked. The word burned my eardrums in the best way possible, if that even makes any sense.

"I just, ya know, am gonna have a kid! I- I can't drink, can't party, and do much.. I'm only 23! I'm really young and- and my family-" I paused and stared wide eyed at the ceiling. "My parents are gonna kill me and my brothers are gonna kill you.." I mumbled. Will shot up and eyed me.

"You never said you had brothers!" I yelled, fear being evident in his voice.

"I just won't go to next weekends family gathering." I stated. He shook his head.

"No, you have to go. You're family is gonna think something's up. Just go, and Anna and I'll tag along." He smiled. He's was a pretty quick thinker. I shrugged and leaned up into him while Anna made the pancakes.

"THEYRE DONE!" She yelled. I quickly shot up from the bed and ran to the kitchen. Will's laughter could be heard from the kitchen, but I simply rolled my eyes and ate. I'm naturally a fatass, so this surprised no one. Will was spotted in the corner of my eye. He walked over and wiped from whip cream from the crooks of my lips, then licked it off his finger. I eyed him and smirked.

"Nasty." I whispered and we shared a quick laugh. He's lucky Anna ran to the bathroom.

Torn [William Singe FF] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now