487 20 13

Huuuuuuge time skip in this one, but you'll see why 😉



"Mama!" Andi called.

"Yes, love?" I asked, my accent now more evident than before.

"When are we gonna land??" She asked, excitedly. I laughed a bit and checked my phone.

"In an hour, now shaddup and take a nap, niña!" I laughed. She joined in before turning in her seat and falling asleep. I sighed and stroked her hair a bit. I looked down at my ring finger and I suddenly grew sad.

It had been almost a year since he died. My fiancé, Kaden, had died. The sad thing was we all knew when and how.

He had lung cancer. He had that, yet he still looked amazing, and was amazing. He managed it through work, traveling, and even me and Andi.

I felt so bad for Andi. Why? You try taking the news your dad died at work, just randomly, on the day he promised to help you with her guitar lessons.

I sighed and pressed on my temples.

Just an hour. I thought. I plugged my headphones in and dozed off to a song I was really obsessed with.

I said it was the last time,
Last time, last night, glassed eye...


"Congrats, Will!" Julian said, raising his glass of champagne. "To 'Rush'!!!" He yelled.

"To 'Rush'!!" Many others chimed in. I smiled and gulped down the drink while others too small sips. My phone buzzed.

Anna: WILL

"Anna??" I mumbled to myself. I excused myself from the small party and answered her text in the hallway.

Me: Anna? What's up?

She read it and only moments later, she called me.

"WILL!" She screamed.

"Ow.." I mumbled.

"ANGELIS! SHE'S GOING BACK!!" She screamed.

"W-What?" It took me a second for the name to register. Anna had told me Ace's real name on the low. Damn, I guess I never could forget her. "R-really?!"

"YUP!" She squealed. She told me the airport and everything. I hung up and grabbed my coat.

"Where are you going, Will?" A girl asked, running a hand over my tattoo.

"Oh, nowhere." I said, happily. I was finally gonna see her. I ran down the stairs, flipping off the elevator on the way down.

"I'm gonna finally see her again." I mumbled.

To murder her.

Torn [William Singe FF] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now