Chapter 1

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A/N: I gave my best onto making this, please give it a chance, aye. In case it doesn't suit into your liking, please don't hate and leave a bad comment, just remove it from your reading list, okay 🙏🙏

*wink wink*  *puppy eyes*
Please give my story a chance 😉🙌

*My room*

My breath echoed harshly in my ears, a faint echo of a memory past. I was running and I could hears others chasing me. Then, sprinting footsteps, purposeful and to my right. My leg was tackled and I fell

*blinding pain*

My eyes shot open, the last of my dream... or memory.. Slipping back into darkness.

I stared dolefully at my ceiling, mind focusing on reality. It had been a week since my physical therapy had ended. I hadn’t done much of anything since I arrived here.

What was there for me to do? I sobbed.

Mother had a new job, and its taken her to a new town. Since I don't want to be close to campus, I had moved in with her. So I was in a new town, my hobby and career were gone and I wasn’t in school. So what was there?

*beep beep*

I groaned and looked at my phone. Who was texting me?

Coach Hana : How are things? Are you settled?

I was tempted to just set it down and continue my moping but she had done so much for me.

I sighed. I owe her my politeness. Even if our professional relationship was over. I decided to replied back.

*Phone text*

Hyaka : Yes. All moved in
Coach Hana : That’s good.

Another text come in.

Coach Hana : Your mom says... you haven’t left your room
Hyaka : She’s exaggerating.
Coach Hana : The best thing is to get up, join a club, find a hobby. If you don’t,
Coach Hana : I’ll just find one for you.

I felt myself let out a half smile. That was my old coach alright. She had a good point. How am I going to find my new life if I stayed locked in my room?

“Its now or never! Get your head straight!” I encouraged myself. The words sounded a bit apathetic, but it was enough.

Slowly I got out the bed and began putting clothes on. It was a scruffy t-shirt and a gray sweatpants, but at least it was something. I shuffled out my door, blinking blearily.

*Living room*

“Oh Hyaka, I didn’t know you’re up!” she startled me.

“but you sure does know to tattle on my coach that I’m being a hermit” I replied sarcastically.

“I’m just worried about you, honey” mom said with apologizing eyes.

“I know. I was just teasing you, mom” I said.

“you’ve got such a good deadpan. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.” she continued.

“Anyway, I’m gonna take some walk. See you later.” I told her before I walked away.

“Wait! Before you go, what would you like for a dinner? I have the ingredients for these” she half shouted even we’re just an inch away.

“Teriyaki chicken it is!” I shouted back giggling.

She replied me with a smile and a small gesture of waving.



I headed out the door unsure of what I was doing, but still enjoying the fresh breeze on my face. I strolled slowly, taking care with where I placed my feet. I realized it was the first time walking on my own since....

“Enough with that Hyaka! You’re supposed not to be moping!” I sighed, looking around to distract myself, a bit of colour caught my eyes. I walked over to a post to see a flyer taped to it.

The flyer consist of the date and place of the event of a MMA competition.

“Martial Arts? Well that could be interesting." I looked to my cell phone and saw that I had just enough tine to get there.

So I think to myself “Well.. Why not?”

I made my way to the center of the town and only got lost twice. I giggled at my foolishness.

By the time I arrived, there was already a sizable crowd available.

“Guess I should have come here a little earlier...” I sighed.

“Hey you! Up here!” a stranger called me.

I looked around and spotted two girls sitting up on a wall with a great view.

I pointed to myself back.

“Yeah you, want up?” they asked.

I nodded and they both lent their hands down and helped me climb up. When I settled, I paused to look them over. One was short with a short hair and the other was the epitome of glam.

“My name’s Hyori and this next to me is Nana.” said the girl with short hair.

“Hyaka.” I said as I let out my right hand to them.

“Awesome. You came just in time for the best time” said Hyori.

“and what’s that? A sword fight?” I asked.

“Even better! It’s Tao’s demo!” said Nana with googly eyes.

“What’s a Tao?” I asked anticipating.

“Only the hottest, bestest train- OH MY GOSH HE’S RIGHT THERE!” shouted Nana fangirling.

I kinda cringed away from the girlish squeal then looked to the demo area.

Sure enough, there were two men there. One was an older gentleman. Most likely the coach. But his partner was a devastatingly handsome young man.

“Thank you all for attending our demonstration!” the handsome young man said to the mic. For the next month, we are offering three free lessons with a month’s sign up! The Hwang dojo has MMA, judo and taekwondo all available. We hope to see you there!” he continued.

He gave a bow and then proceeded to launch into a very complicated fight.

Both he and the coach were a flurry of movement and I wasn’t going to lie.
I was impressed.

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