Chapter 12

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I felt bad turning down such a sweet guy, but something inside of me wouldn’t let me say no to Tao. My cheek colored at the thought and I pulled my phone out. Although I almost chickened out twice, I managed to text him.

*Phone text*

Hyaka : Hey, for tonight were do you want to go?
Tao : A Japanese restaurant just opened. I’ve been dying to try it. Are you in? (~^_^)~
Hyaka : Sure, sounds awesome. Meet you there in an hour?
Tao : Perfect. See you soon. v(^_^)v

I put my phone away, smiling to myself as I headed home to get ready. For being a stoic perfectionist in person, Tao sure did love silly emoticons. But I liked it. It made the whole world seem a bit less serious. It didn’t take me long to arrive home. I got ready in a flash and headed right back out the door. (my mom still not home)

When I arrived to the restaurant, I was suddenly nervous. I hadn’t gone someplace nice to eat since before my injury. Yet here I was, hair styled, mascara on, dress clean. I even left my favorite sneakers at home in favor of classic black flats.

“I’m glad to see you made it. You look exceptionally lovely tonight.” Tao greeted me.

I turned around to see Tao waiting. He too, looked particularly dashing, and I founded my breath catching in my throat.

“Y-y-you look good too.” I stuttered.

“T-thanks. I don’t usually dress up like this.” he said as I felt myself turning crimson and Tao cleared his throat nervously.

“So, uh, would like to take a seat?” he asked me.

“Don’t we need to wait to be seated?” I asked him.

“Oh uh.... I may have made a reservation.” he said back as he rub his nape nervously.

“Really? I heard this place had a wait list a week long.” I asked back shocked he continued, “Two weeks actually. Our table’s this way.”

He leads our way. I tried not to gape as I realized how long ago Tao must have intended to ask me here. Why would he put he put so much effort into one little meal with me? I could feel my heart skip a beat. I was no one special... Well, at least not to anymore. Nonetheless, he pulled my chair out for me then sat across from me, looking quite pleased.

“Do you have any idea of what you might want?” he asked me with a smile. I picked up the menu and looked it over. Everything looked so delicious!

“I don’t know if I can choose between these. Wanna help me narrow it down?’ he looked at me.

“S-sure!” I said back. I was thinking about food.

“Chicken is so yummy! How about Karaage?” I looked at him.

“Solid advice. I’m sure my stomach will appreciate your input?” he let out a chuckle and I laughed.

Then looked at the menu to figure out what I wanted. The waitress came over just as I decided and we both happily relayed our orders.

It was funny to see Tao so excited, as he always seemed so level headed. Here he was, bouncing on his seat like a schoolboy. I was just about to tell him just how funny he was, when I heard a familiar voice.

“I can't believe it! and what did she say next?” she said as I swiveled around, looking for the origin of her voice.

I expected to see her out on a secret date, or on a news crews dinner but I didn’t expect her emerging from the bathroom with a familiar girl. Instantly my blood ran cold, yet they only laughed louder as they walked to their seats.

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