Chapter 13

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“Hyaka, wouldn’t you like to come out for a bit?” my mom asked from outside my room.

I looked up my book, glancing to the closed door which my mother was standing behind. I hadn’t talked to her since the whole Eva thing. Yes, while I was trying to let go of my anger, I wasn’t quite ready to forgive my mom yet. No one believed me that Eva had purposefully cleated me.  But she knew how I felt and she still went to dinner with that girl. It still stung like betrayal.

“Honey, I’m sorry I upset you. I should have been more supportive of how you feel.” she said.

I thought for another moment. The mature thing to do would be to respond. But instead I returned to my book. Maybe tomorrow I could be mature. However, I was surprised when she slide something under the door.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I walked over. It was a poster.

“Perhaps it would be nice for us to get out of the house?” she asked me.

“What is it though?” I asked.

“I’m not one hundred percent sure. It seems like the whole town get together for a fun day. There’s apparently food, games, all sorts of fun stuff” she said. I just stayed silent.

“Oh, I thought perhaps we could go together.” I could feel a small smile on her.

“Um.. Let me see if my friends are free first. You know, hangout with people my own age.” I said to her.

“Okay, well if none of them are free, I’d love to go with you.” Some of the hardness in my heart melted a bit. My mom tried so hard to be kind. Couldn’t I forgive her this one time?

“Thanks mom. I promise I will.” I said back to her.

I pulled my phone of its charger, and realized I hadn’t checked it since I woken up. Fumbling with it for a moment, I turned it on and winced as it vibrated spastically. Sure enough, there were several text messages. Oh dear.. 

“Geeez! I guess this is what having friends is like.” I said it to myself.

But I didn’t mind it. In truth, it was kinda nice. Although it was very alien from my old training regimen, I liked doing whatever I wanted. It turns out having a social life wasn’t overrated after all.

Almost uncannily, I heard our doorbell ring. A second later, I heard my mom answer, “Oh hello, may I help you?”

“Hi, I’m one of Hyaka’s friends. I-” Hyori stopped as I finally burst from my room in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt.

“Heyyyyyyyyyyy. So I heard something about Salmon Maki?” I said to her.

“hahaha. Of course that’s what your concern about. Here it is.” Hyori said as she hand me the foods.

“Hey, so I heard about this festival. Both Tao and Chanyeol asked me to help. Want to lend a hand?” I said to her.

“Do you mean placate the feelings of whoever you don’t help?” she teased.

“No! Of course not!” I disagreed to her. Thankfully Hyori laughed.

“It sounded like fun. We can munch on these on our walk over.” she said.

“Perfect! All right mom, I’ll see you later.” I said to my mom.

“Have fun, both of you!” she waved us. We headed out after waving goodbye to my mom.

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