Chapter 18: Exams

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Sorry for the big time jump from the last chapter to this one.

Chapter 18: Exams

As the months went by Barry was constantly being questions on why hi parents had moved to America and why he had stayed. Barry wasn't sure how to answer the questions so he went to Brakenbury for help, he had come to be close to him after the new term had started. But now it was June and lessons were coming to an end and preparing to give the end of course exams.

Most lessons were spent preparing for the exams by practising spells and charms that would be on the exam. Barry was doing quite well with them during lessons, he did his best at Defence Against the Dark Art. His worst, but he still well in, was Potions. Barry just didn't seem to concentrate much in that class.

Barry woke up on the first day of exams and rolled over. He hoped he had practice enough to pass all of his exams. Barry waited a few minutes before waking up his friends. After he did so they all dressed and went their separate ways in two groups. Barry, Alec and Corey all went down to the common room while Peter and John went down to the Great Hall.


The first exam was a piece of cake for Barry. It was his Charms exam. For that all Barry had to do was levitate a feather through some hoops and that was it. After that he and his friends all had time to study for their next exam which would be after lunch and for Potions.

Barry had taken studying for Potions way more seriously than any of his other friends. He wanted nothing more than to pass all of his exams and show everyone that he was fine. They still worried about him, even though his parents had died six months ago and seemed like a long time ago for Barry.

The bell rang over the castle signalling that the everyone should make it to their next class for there end of term exam. Barry and his friends all looked at each other and nodded. They then all stood up and walked to their next exam which was Potions.


“I have never been more excited to get out of there!” Alec exclaimed as he and Barry and Corey were the first ones to get out of the Potions classrooms. “That exam was really hard, I bet it will be the hardest of them all.”

“I swear if looks could kill, Ivy's would have killed me,” Barry said. “Did yo see the looks he was shooting me?”

“I know,” Corey said. “Well at least we're done with that class until next year.”

“Yea I know,” Alec said. “After we finish our exams this week, we have two days next week to do what ever we want before we go home.”

“Yea,” Barry said, a little sad that he couldn't go home and tell his parents all about his first year of Zarcurus.

“Hey cheer up!” Adriana said, coming out of nowhere.

“I am,” Barry said.

“You don't sound like it,” Alice said.

“Nor do you look like it,” Ginny said.

“Trust me I am,” he said as he went off in a different direction from his friends,


The rest of the week went by the same as it did for the end of term exams. They had two a day and after finishing the second exam each day, they were free to do whatever they wanted until dinner. A lot of his time Barry went to Brakenbury's office to talk to him, and the other times he was having a good time with his friends.

When the final exam game Barry was excited. “Mr. Johnson please come forward,” Moors said to him. Barry stepped into the room and Moors closed the door. Before Barry knew what was happening Moors took out his wand and pointed it at Barry.

“Do your best to defend yourself,” he said as he waved his wand sending a spell a Barry.

Barry quickly waved his wand, creating a shield charm, and sent the spell back to Moors. Moors appeared to be quite happy with himself. “You pass with flying colours!” he said, joy in his voice.

“Really? Wow!” Barry said.

“Its good to know that I've done something for you all this year,” Moors said. Barry had a confused look on his face so he went on. “You see I'm officially retired this year. You were the last student I had to test, and now I'm done.”

“Why are you retiring?” Barry asked.

“I'm going back to being an Auror,” Moors said.

“So you were an Aurora?” Barry asked in a shocked voice. “Then that means you must of known my parents. I mean know my parents.” Barry corrected himself quickly, unsure if Moors knew about his parents or not.

“Yes they were good people,” he said. “A damn right tragedy that happened to him. But let me tell you something, the murders and the murderers will not go without a punishment.”

“But from what I've heard they were killed by the most powerful Dark wizard,” Barry said. “How is that going to happen?”

“It just will,” Moors snapped. “Your parents murders started a whole new revolution now. One that is going to be just as worst as the first one.”

“How?” Barry asked confused.

“The Ministry is trying everything to hide that your parents were killed and who they were killed by,” Moors said. “With that when things start happening, and mark my words they will, they will use every excuse imaginable.”

“So your going to go back to being an Auror to help out?” Barry said, trying to put the pieces together.

“In a way being an Aurora will help out,” Moors said. “I will most be helping the-” he started to say before catching himself. “I think you should leave now. I must start packing.”

Barry didn't say anything else as he left the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower. He just hoped the end of term feast came sooner rather then on Tuesday.

The Barry Johnson Walter Series Book One: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now