Ch. 16

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Lauren's P.O.V

I rushed Mani to the nearest hospital, hoping she wouldn't die.

If she did, I would probably turn into a psychopath.

When we reached the ER, I lifted her and rushed her to the nearest nurse, who took her from my hands and she brought her inside.

When Mani disappeared, I decided to call my friend Alycia, who answered my phone after the first ring.

Yeah, it's me, Lauren. I was wondering if you could do me a favor.
Ok, sure. What is it?
I have 3 people at my place that need to be supervised and if they cause trouble, don't hesitate to stab them.
Ok, are you ok?
Yeah. Just,..... yeah.
Alright Lauser, be safe.
Thanks Alycia!

After I got that in the way, I went to the waiting room to hear my name being called.

I walked with the doctor, who had a small smile. Shit.

"Ms...." He prompted, trying to get me to say my last name.

"Richardson. Ms. Richardson." I said as quickly as possible.

Lauren, really?! Richardson?! Oh well.

"Normani was rushed to the Intensive Care Unit and she slipped into a coma. Her head received hard blows and the right side of her brain got swollen." He explained as I felt my world crashing down.

"Howeved, here's the good news. She is in a rare neurological condition. It's what we call the Locked In syndrome, where she is totally paralyzed except for the eye muscles, but remains awake and alert and with a normal mind." He added, which didn't really help my state.

I felt myself get angry, and I think the doctor noticed that.

"Ma'am, I can assure you, we will try to help the best way we can." He said as I stood up and walked towards the door, where I locked it.

"Ma'am, what are you doing?" He asked, with fear laced in his voice, as I growled.

"Listen, I personally know that I'm not a doctor and all, however, if you don't stop trying to make everything better with all the doctor shit and don't help my best friend, I will personally kill you." I threatened, angrily as he back away.

"Ma'am, let's calm down, you would never do such a thing." He said while standing up as I laughed.

"Do you even know who I am? DO YOU KNOW WHO I FUCKING AM?!" I yelled angrily as he sat back down.

"Listen up, if you don't tell me a way to save my best friend, I won't hesitate to kill ya, capeesh?" I asked him as he shook his head no.

"Ms. Richardson, please calm down. I'm sorry that we cannot help your friend." He said as I took out the gun that killed people quickly and silently from my pocket.

(A/N: I don't even know if that exists..... if it does, tell me!)

"Hahaha, ok. First off, my name is Lauren Jauregui, not no Richardson. Second, that was like, the wrong answer. So, I'm gonna do this." I explained as his face was written with fear.

I aimed my gun at his forehead and pulled the trigger, killing him automatically on the spot.

I unlocked the door, laughing my heart out.

I dare them to try me.

See what happens.

I then got a call from Alycia.

Yeah, you said there were 3? There's only 2 people here. And the 2 said that the other disappeared after you left.
Ask for their names.
Ok... Their names are Dinah and Camila.
That means... thanks, I'll look for the other one later. I just have something to do.
Ok, Bye.

Where is Clarke?

Y/N's P.O.V

I found myself in another place.


I looked around to see these two guys and Ally walking towards me, making me scared.

She pointed out one of the guys as Troy, or something like that as her boyfriend. The other one, however,.... stranger danger.

"Y/N, meet Brad. Lauren's ex." Ally said with a smirk as this Brad guy walked towards me, until he stared at my face.

"Uh, uh. Ok. No, I'm not doing this. Do you know of the words personal space?" I asked as Brad backed up just a little bit.

"Ok, move on with your wicked schemes and plans." I told them with annoyance as Brad growled.

"HAVE YOU EVER USED AN TOOTHBRUSH IN YOUR LIFE TIME? LIKE, OHHH, YOUR BREATH STINKS MAN! POP A MINT IN IT OR SOMETHING! PLEASE, YOU'RE KILLING ALL OF MY.....MMPH!" I suddenly couldn't talk anymore as a scarf was placed in my mouth, tied around my head.

"Listen up, Y/N. We don't want any harm. I don't want any harm. Why? Cause Clarke is the one looking for trouble." He said as Troy and Ally both rolled their eyes and groaned.

"You. Weren't. Suppose. To. Tell. Her. Yet. Idiot!" Troy said as Ally smacked him so hard, you could hear it.

I gave Ally an confused look as she smirked.

"We mean that Clarke has been the one helping us kidnap you and assisting with our plan to kill Lauren." Ally told me as my eyes got large.

I have to get out of here.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, they did.

"Hey Y/N."

A/N: Hey! I'm so freaking sorry that I haven't updated! I have this homework assignment that I spent a long time on and I'm sure that I got an 100%.
Also, I have good news! I got 12K on this book and 160 followers! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!

Thank you for helping me through this book and see you next update.


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