Ch. 6

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Ok. So, my best friend just got a Wattpad Account and she made her first book! Please support her. She needs it. Also, if I comment weird things on her book, don't worry, that's just my personality! Go check out DayeNuneNyte

Lauren's P.O.V

I knew what that voice was.

So, I made my way towards the sound, leaving a frightened Camila behind me. I had to admit, Camila is pretty cute. But she isn't my type.

I was intrigued by Y/N. She has a badass additude on the outside but she was so gentle on the inside.

Why was I thinking about her so much?!!!

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I saw Normani with a bag in her hands.

"Hey Mani, what are you doing with a bag?" I asked her as she smiled boldly. "So we can mask them when we get to your place. DUH!" She said as I rolled my eyes. "Ok, so which ones do you wanna take?" She asked me as I frowned.

"Ohhh! That one is hot!! I'm gonna take her with me!" Normani squealed as she pointed to Dinah.

I chose Y/N, Camila, and Ariana.

Normani picked Clarke, Selena, and Dinah.

When we finally got them in the car, we drove off to my place.

After about a few hours later, the girls started waking up. We placed them in a huge room, so, they could have some space. The exits were programmed for a code that they didn't know so, they couldn't escape.

I had sat in a corner of the room and started to read a book. I heard some rusling and looked up to see Y/N, trying to wake up the others.

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up in this weird room. I looked to my left to see my girlfriend (soon to be) passed out. So, after I woke up the others, I shook her awake. She immediately started crying in my arms as a dark figure started making its way towards us.

I could feel my breathing getting heavier but I wasn't gonna let that Lauren girl see me scared.

I clutched Camila protectively as she snuggled closer towards me.

"Ok, listen up you idiots. This is your new home until you die.  Don't try to escape. I am in control now so I can do whatever I want to do to you. Including kill you. You don't wanna make me mad." Lauren explained as I growled.

She turned her head towards me and walked toward me. "Is everything alright, Y/N?" She asked as I flashed a fake smile. "Yeah. Just the fact that a monster like you can only think of an idea like this." I said boldly as Camila gave me an look telling me to shut up.

"Excuse me?" Lauren asked as I continued. "You kidnap us and you don't kill us. The whole purpose of kidnapping is to actually kill the person one day. You actually look smart enough to know that." I argued as her green orbs got darker.

"Really? Let me give you a tip. Shut up or I will make your day be today." Lauren said as I rolled my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak but she stopped me. "And don't say you don't care. We both know a little secret." She bent down to reach my ear. "You are the bravest one here and your girlfriend will be without you. If you die, there will be no hope for them." She whispered as I had to agree with her.

She was right. Oh no! I glared at her in defeat as she smiled knowingly. Camila got mad for me talking back as I tried to explain to her.

NEXT DAY.........

"Babe! It's not what you think. I was just helping her tie her shirt! Nothing else!" I argued as Camila stormed off angrily. Now a days Camila has been taking every little thing for granted.

Soon, she stopped and turned towards me. "You don't love me, do you?" She asked me as I rolled my eyes. "Camzi! I love you to death." I told her as she frowned. "We need some time away from each other." She said blankly as I glared at her angrily.

I was a little pissed.

"Of course! Cause when your precious little feelings get hurt, the whole world has to stop and wait for you to feel better!" I told her as she growled.

"I can't stand you sometimes, Y/N!" She yelled. "Me neither!" I yelled back with the same force.

"UGH! I regret that I've ever met you! I regret that I invited you to my party! I regret even having feelings for you! If it wasn't for you, we would never even be here!" She yelled as my temper rose. "Well, news flash princess! You did do all those things and we're here so I guess you can't do anything about it, can you?!" I yelled louder as her face turned angrier.

"Sadly I can't!" She yelled.

I was so angry, that I didn't watch what was coming out of my mouth next.

"I regret that I've ever seen you in my life! You know that will make my life better?! If you just get out of it!!! Maybe I'll ask that Lauren girl to kill you!!" I screamed as the other girls stared at us sadly.

Camila looked like she was hurt. "Get out of my life Camila Cabello!" I yelled as she smiled fakely. "How about you get out of mine?!" She asked as I got angrier.

I was about to argue some more when the door flew open. It revealed Lauren. She probably came to complain about how we woke her up from bed cause she still had her pajamas on.

But she was angry!

"Can you both just SHUT THE FUCK UP?! Some people are trying to sleep here! IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP, YOU BOTH WILL GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" Lauren yelled as she closed the door again, with a SLAM!

Camila and I went our separate ways and started to sob quietly.


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